Target Indicators of Implementing the Measures on Formation of the Model of Information Economy
Models of Modern Information Economy
ISBN: 978-1-78756-288-2, eISBN: 978-1-78756-287-5
Publication date: 29 October 2018
The purpose of this chapter is to evaluate the completeness and substantiation of the indicators of implementation of measures on information society’s formation in the conditions of information war and economic sanctions from foreign countries, and to assess the dynamics of indicators and their achievability according to the plans of state development.
The adequately selected list of target indicators will determine the future national policy regarding the process of informatization in all spheres of national economy. Moreover, the indicators set at the stage of planning of national events will signal the correspondence of the obtained result to the planned result.
The research applies the methods of graphic presentation of information, trend analysis, method of comparison, analogy, and systematization.
According to the peculiarities of the information economy’s optimization model, the main indicators of implementing of measures for the formation of information society are: index of development of information technologies; share of citizens who received state and municipal services online; share of the population that do not use the internet; level of differentiation of the subjects of the RF regarding integral indicators; share of households with access to the internet; number of highly efficient jobs according to the type of economic activities “communication.” Evaluation of implementation of these indicators and their completeness proved the necessity for reconsidering the transfer of the implemented measures and reducing the number of ineffective ones.
The viewed target indicators and evaluation of achievement of these indicators of efficiency of state management of the process of implementing the model could be the basis for future correction of the process of implementation of this program. The used method of analysis could be recommended as the methodological provision of monitoring and control over the implementation of information economy’s optimization model.
Fedotova, G.V., Kulikova, N.N., Perekrestova, L.V. and Kozenko, Y.A. (2018), "Target Indicators of Implementing the Measures on Formation of the Model of Information Economy", Sukhodolov, A.P., Popkova, E.G. and Litvinova, T.N. (Ed.) Models of Modern Information Economy, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 255-263.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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