Summary: Branding in the B2B Context and Future Challenges
Developing Insights on Branding in the B2B Context
ISBN: 978-1-78756-276-9, eISBN: 978-1-78756-275-2
Publication date: 9 August 2018
This final chapter of the book provides an up-to-date overview of research on B2B branding. The chapter discusses the current academic endeavors and propositions from researchers in the field, while focusing on the discipline of B2B marketing. It furthermore elaborates on the importance of brands and branding for decision-making processes by discussing the role of B2B buyers and sellers. Additionally, branding as part of marketing has been reviewed from its historical background and the first attempts to develop its conceptual background. The chapter then focuses on business buyers and their main characteristics with regard to brand relevance. Finally, the key challenges of developing a strong B2B brand are presented and discussed, after which future research avenues and upcoming trends within the B2B branding context are considered. Digitalization and the digital context are identified as important areas to know in the future, as they are increasingly becoming important stages for marketing activities within the B2B domain. The digital context is a specific platform to explore further. In addition, the intangible aspects of B2B branding that are still unknown to many managers and academics, such as emotions in situations of interaction and sales are explored. From a thematic point of view, sustainability issues will become increasingly important to handle in organizations, which will put pressure on B2B marketers, as sustainability can be communicated through the corporate brand and related branding efforts.
Nyström, A.-G., Törnroos, J.-Å., Koporcic, N. and Ivanova-Gongne, M. (2018), "Summary: Branding in the B2B Context and Future Challenges", Koporcic, N., Ivanova-Gongne, M., Nyström, A.-G. and Törnroos, J.-Å. (Ed.) Developing Insights on Branding in the B2B Context, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 219-229.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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