Monetary Policy in the Eurozone
Fiscal and Monetary Policy in the Eurozone: Theoretical Concepts and Empirical Evidence
ISBN: 978-1-78754-126-9, eISBN: 978-1-78743-793-7
Publication date: 13 May 2019
The role of money and monetary policy of the central bank in pursuing macroeconomic stability has significantly changed over the period since the end of World War II. Globalization, liberalization, integration, and transition processes generally shaped the crucial milestones of the macroeconomic development and substantial features of economic policy and its framework in Europe. Policy-driven changes together with variety of exogenous shocks significantly affected the key features of macroeconomic environment on the European continent that fashioned the framework and design of monetary policies.
This chapter examines the key basis of the central bank’s monetary policy on its way to pursue and preserve the internal and external stability of the purchasing power of money. Substantial elements of the monetary policy like objectives and strategies are not only generally introduced but also critically discussed according to their accuracy, suitability, and reliability in the changing macroeconomic conditions. Brief overview of the Eurozone common monetary policy milestones and the past Eastern bloc countries’ experience with a variety of exchange rate regimes provides interesting empirical evidence on origins and implications of vital changes in the monetary policy conduction in Europe and the Eurozone.
Canale, R.R. and Mirdala, R. (2019), "Monetary Policy in the Eurozone", Fiscal and Monetary Policy in the Eurozone: Theoretical Concepts and Empirical Evidence, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 65-151.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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