Chris Brown
(School of Education and Childhood Studies, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, United Kingdom)
Achieving Evidenceinformed Policy and Practice in Education
ISBN: 978-1-78743-641-1, eISBN: 978-1-78743-640-4
Publication date: 13 November 2017
This content is currently only available as a PDF
Brown, C. (2017), "Index", Achieving Evidenceinformed Policy and Practice in Education, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 193-197.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2018 Emerald Publishing Limited
Aquinas, Thomas
, 189
Assessment for learning (AfL)
, 94
Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership
, 93
Becker, Gary
, 24
Blower, Christine
, 131
Blunkett, David
, 167
Chestnut Church of England Learning Federation, case study of
, 46–48, 61–63
analysis and findings
, 49–54
Baudrillardian semiotic domains of consumption
, 49, 53–54, 56
characteristics of respondents
, 49
CR + /PR + quadrant, responses within
, 54–56
CR + /PR – quadrant, responses within
, 56–58
CR–/PR + quadrant, responses within
, 58–61
CR–/PR – quadrant, responses within
, 61
enquiry mindset of participants
, 55
improvement plan objectives
, 47
interview data
, 54
model for evidence-use
, 47
research focus
, 48–49
semi-structured in-depth interviews
, 48
Civil Service Reform Plan
, 2012, 157
Collaborative orientation
, 55, 57
Communicative action, theory of
, 116
Cultural and practical rational aspects of EIPr
pre-intervention survey questions on research use
, 49
research questions
, 48
semiotic perspective
, 46–49
Cultural rationality
, 26–28
Dreyfus model of learning
, 162
Economic and Social Research Council
, 93
Education Endowment Foundation (EEF)
, 65, 71–72, 184
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
, 2001, 167
Engagement with evidence
, 171–174
Evidence informed
, 68
Evidence-informed, school led self-improvement (EISI)
, 66
Evidence-informed policy and practice (EIPP) in education
implications for achieving
, 179–182
effective learning
, 182
trust and networked social relations
, 182–184
, 188–189
Evidence Informed Policy in Education in Europe (EIPEE) project
, 157
Evidence-informed practice (EIPr)
, 23, 89
a priori position of
, 23
assumptions in
, 159–161
beneficial outcomes
, 23–24
cost effectiveness of
, 24–25
high awareness/low take-up of
, 26
notion of optimal rational behaviour
, 28–29
analysis and findings
, 35–39
practitioners’ beliefs and behaviours in relation to
, 30
predictive models
, 35–39
self-reported behaviours in relation to
, 29–35
optimal rationality (OR) aspects of
, 26–28
substantive critique of
, 26
teaching and learning activity
, 25
Evidence ‘misuse,’
, 108–132
definition of
, 130
effects of
, 130
occurrence of
, 129
as a strategic discursive position
, 128
Excellence Together TSA, study of
, 89, 94
collaborative aspect of Joint Practice Development (JPD)
, 98
cycle of enquiry approach
, 96
four workshop approach
, 96–97
learning about leading change
, 99
, 94–95
processes of knowledge creation
, 96–98
trialling and refining research-informed interventions
, 98
Expertise, concept of
, 161–163
in evidence-informed policy-making
, 169–170
as learning
, 166–169
in policy development
, 164–165
Explicit knowledge
, 161, 163, 170
, 25
Flyvbjerg, Bent
, 161–162, 166
Foucault, Michel
, 116, 118–119
, 119
Free schools
, 66
Gibb, Nick
, 131
Gove, Michael
, 131, 167
Gradient Boosted Tree (GBT) predictive model
, 24
Habermas, Jürgen
, 116
civic life
, 116
, 117
model for democracy
, 117
mutual agreement and discursive validity
, 116
power and policy development
, 116–118
Hobbes, Thomas
, 117
Instructional leadership
, 67
Knott and Wildavsky scale
, 159
Knowledge adoption, conceptualization of
, 135
analysis and findings
, 148–151
complexity of
, 144
concept of evidence-informed policy
, 148
as a contextually specific social process
, 151
description of models
, 137–138
criticism of
, 138–140
face validity of
, 147
‘how’ of
, 147
internal and external
, 141–148
literature review
, 136–137
policy preference factors
, 141–148, 149
research focus
, 135–136
as social action
, 140–141
Knowledge conversation
, 170
Knowledge transfer
, 137
Knowledge transfer project
, 93
Learning conversations
, 55, 57
London Centre for Leadership in Learning
, 72
Machiavelli, Niccolò
, 118
Making Policy Happen programme
, 158
‘Mode 2’ knowledge
, 119–120
National Audit Office
, 25
National College for Teaching and School Leadership
, 93
National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH) for school leaders
, 173
Networked learning conversations
, 55–56, 57
Networked social relations
, 182–183
Network orientation
, 55, 57, 60
No Child Left Behind Act
, 167
Oates, Tim
, 131
Optimal rationality (OR)
, 26–28
cultural rational position
, 27–28
practical rational position
, 27–28
Optimal rational position of EIPr
analysis and findings
, 35–39
practitioners’ beliefs and behaviours in relation to
, 30
predictive models
, 35–39
self-reported behaviours in relation to
, 29–35
Organisational culture
, 173
Organizational learning (OL)
, 65
access to and sharing of forms of social capital
, 69
challenges facing EISI
, 67–68
Phronetic expertise
, 161, 171
Policy agora
, 119–121, 169
analysis and findings
, 122–123
idea of evidence ‘misuse,’
, 108–132
, 126–128
‘policy-ready’ marketization in action
, 124–126
research focus
, 121–122
Policy ‘enlightenment,’
, 106
Policy learning communities
, 170
‘Policy ready’ knowledge
, 171
‘Policy-ready’ marketization in action
, 124–126
Pollard, Andrew
, 131
Practical knowledge
, 170
Practical rationality
, 26–28
Professional Skills for Government (PSG)
, 172
Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs)
, 167–168
Rational Choice Theory (RCT)
, 24–26
in improving teaching activity
, 24
, 29
Research-informed guidelines interventions and programmes
, 184–188
Research Learning Communities (RLCs)
, 89
importance of school leadership for delivering change
, 92–93
knowledge creation activity within
, 91
learning and practical application
, 91–92
new practices and innovations
, 93
origins of
, 90–91
in practice
, 94–108
research focus
analysis and findings
, 102–108
effectiveness of RLC approach and activities
, 106–107
helping participants engage with research
, 99
impact on teaching practice
, 106–108
participants’ opinions on
, 100
student outcomes result from EIPr
, 101–102
teacher engagement with the EIPr strategies
, 105–106
RLC project
, 65, 83
Restorative justice
, 121
School improvement strategies
importance of trust
, 69–71
interpersonal relationships and
, 68–69
role of school leaders in fostering
, 68
organizational learning (OL)
access to and sharing of forms of social capital
, 69
challenges facing EISI
, 67–68
quality and structure of social ties and
, 72
research focus
, 71–78
analysis and findings
, 78–80
detail on the survey scales
, 74–76
intervention and control groups
, 72–74
network sociograms
, 82–83
normalized degree centralities
, 77
relationship between aspects of research-informed self-improvement, social networks
, 72
relationships between RE-USE climate and OL, trust and TLE degree centralities
, 80–82
, 65
four-core criteria for
, 66
‘transformational’ and ‘learning centred’ aspects of
, 67
by trust
, 69–71
Self-improving school-led school system
, 66, 173
, 46, 48–49
Social Activity Method
, 140–141
Social capital
, 68
Social Network Analysis
, 65
Social relationships
, 68
Tacit knowledge and perspectives
, 161, 163–164
externalisation of
, 170
Teachers’ perceptions of research use
semiotic perspective
, 46, 49
see also Chestnut Church of England Learning Federation, case study of
Teaching and learning activity
, 24–26
Teaching School Alliance
, 39
Teaching school alliance (TSA)
, 89, 94
, 29
Theories of Action (ToAs)
, 184
Top-down performance management
, 173
, 69–71, 182–184
role of school leaders in facilitating
, 70
, 61
Twigg, Stephen
, 131
UCINET software program
, 77
, 27
What Works Network
, 157, 184
- Prelims
- Chapter 1 Introduction
- Part I Evidence-Informed Practice
- Chapter 2 Is Using Evidence to Inform Teaching Practice Rational?
- Chapter 3 Learning from Teachers’ Perceptions of Research Use
- Chapter 4 The Vital Role of Trust and Relationships
- Chapter 5 The Power of Research Learning Communities
- Part II Evidence-Informed Policy
- Chapter 6 The Limits of Evidence-Informed Policy-Making
- Chapter 7 How Researchers Can Better Inform Education Policy
- Chapter 8 Policy Learning Communities
- Chapter 9 Moving Forward
- Index