Stein, G. (2017), "Bibliography", And Now What?, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 355-366.
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- Prelims
- 1 Introduction: A Personal Adventure
- Part 1 Keys for Taking Charge
- 2 A New Identity: Developing a Different Perspective
- 3 Taking Charge and Change: Personal Performance
- 4 How to Prepare Taking Charge Effectively
- 5 Company Culture and Taking Charge: The Role of the Setting
- 6 People Management: The Core of Taking Charge
- 7 Landing into a Merger: Putting People First
- Part 2 From Theory to Reality
- 8 Everyday Factors
- 9 First Managerial Stages: Yolanda Cruz in Health and Beauty
- 10 Changes and Promotions: Reiner Meinhold in Kölner Bank
- 11 The Second Take Off: People versus Results. West Line
- 12 Entering Top Management: Sybila Börjesson in Catek
- 13 Staying in the Job: General Manager of Contents in VivaVisión
- 14 A Career in International Landings: Andrés Cardó in Prisa Group
- 15 The Chairman’s Challenges: Eric Laborde in Pernod Ricard
- Epilogue: Leading Oneself
- Bibliography
- Index