Teacher Leadership in Professional Development Schools
ISBN: 978-1-78743-404-2, eISBN: 978-1-78743-403-5
Publication date: 6 April 2018
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(2018), "Index", Hunzicker, J. (Ed.) Teacher Leadership in Professional Development Schools, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 303-313.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2018 Emerald Publishing Limited
Advanced learning,
, 169–170
Algebra I College Prep (CP) de-tracking
democracy-driven professional development,
, 60
educational tracking,
, 60
Foundations of Algebra,
, 63
inquiry-based learning,
, 61
instructional leadership
guidance department assistance,
, 65
mastery learning design,
, 66–67
math team format,
, 65, 66
student learning outcomes,
, 67
, 61
pilot project research,
, 71
project implementation timeline,
, 64
research methods,
, 64–65
school–university partnerships,
, 61
, 61–62
self-fulfilling prophecy theory,
, 61, 62, 70–71
student learning outcomes,
, 62, 69–70
teacher buy-in,
, 67–68
teacher collaboration model,
, 64, 70
theoretical frameworks,
, 61
American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE),
, 14, 219
American Federation of Teachers (AFT),
, 9
Architecture of Accomplished Teaching (AAT),
, 175
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD),
, 30
Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS),
, 80
, 81
funding and implementation,
, 84
information meeting,
, 81–82
reflections to improve,
, 84–85
weekend workshop,
, 82–84
Beginning Teacher Project,
, 217–218, 231, 282
Blue Ribbon Panel,
, 13, 14
Boundary spanners,
, 22–23
Carnegie Task Force,
, 8
Center for Teaching Quality (CTQ),
, 29
Certification process,
, 162
Citizen leaders,
, 4
Classroom-based evidence,
, 54–55
Classroom teachers,
, 1
Clinical practice supervision course,
, 167–168
Clinical Preparation and Partnerships for Improved Student Learning,
, 13
Collaborative inquiry, project teacher leadership
“centers of inquiry,”
, 79
grade level team,
, 78
institutional and cultural barriers,
, 79
, 79
local knowledge,
, 91
, 78
school and university bureaucracies,
, 80
Collaborative partnership,
, 193
College of Education faculty,
, 157
Common Core State Standards,
, 60
Community advisory board (CAB),
, 225
Community contributions,
, 210–211
Community engagement,
, 230
Community leaders,
, 4
Conceptual diversity,
, 21
Constructivist leadership,
, 258
Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP) Committee,
, 102, 103
Co-teaching models,
, 176, 195
Co-teaching strategies,
, 145
classroom management,
, 153
College of Education faculty,
, 157
, 154, 156
Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) data,
, 157, 158
mentoring skills,
, 152
pedagogical and assessment strategies,
, 153–154
professional relationships,
, 153
traditional mentoring continuum,
, 154, 155
train-the-trainer workshop,
, 154
Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP),
, 14, 162
Common Core State Standards (CCSS),
, 60
Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) report,
, 164
, 23–24
Democracy-driven professional development,
, 60
Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA),
, 54
Direct and oversee learning,
, 171–172
Distributed leadership theory,
, 24, 220–221
, 24
grade-level teams,
, 25, 26
mentor teacher,
, 25
social and situational factors,
, 25, 26
Educational policy,
, 20
Elementary and Secondary Education Act,
, 109
Elementary school (intermediate),
, 88
Elementary school (primary),
, 87–88
English Language Arts Standards (ELAS),
, 51
English language learners (ELLs),
, 111
English language proficiency, 55,
, 56
English learners (ELs)
communities, types,
, 41
educational needs,
, 41–42
grade level content,
, 42
learning facilitators
, 52
professional learning series,
, 49–52
skill set,
, 49
Lehman/Public School
, 291, 43
pre-service candidate learning
adult learning,
, 46
, 47
gradual release model,
, 47–48
preservice teacher education curriculum,
, 48–49
professional learning opportunities,
, 42
research-based teaching practice,
, 43–44
student learning
classroom-based evidence,
, 54–55
English language proficiency,
, 55, 56
language proficiency,
, 53
long-term effects,
, 55
, 44
Teacher Leader Model Standards (TLMS),
, 45–46
teacher learning,
, 52–53
urban school districts,
, 42
Enhancement Partnership Grant program,
, 15
Every teacher a leader model,
, 21
Field and learning
elementary school (intermediate),
, 88
elementary school (primary),
, 87–88
high school,
, 89–90
middle school,
, 88–89
team inquiry projects,
, 86
Formal leadership,
, 193
Formal teacher leadership, 21–22,
, 28
Foundations of Algebra,
, 63
Grade-level teams,
, 25, 26
Gradual release model,
, 47–48
High school,
, 89–90
Hillside Public Schools,
, 218, 222
Holmes Group,
, 7, 8, 10
Hybrid learning environment,
, 257
Hybrid teacher leadership,
, 21–22, 136–138
Informal leadership,
, 193
Informal teacher leadership,
, 21–22
Inquiry-based learning,
, 61
In-service teaching,
, 174
Institutional leaders,
, 4
Instructional decision-making,
, 229–230
Instructional leadership,
, 21, 26, 28–29, 31
guidance department assistance,
, 65
mastery learning design,
, 66–67
math team format,
, 65, 66
student learning outcomes,
, 67
, 61
, 92
K-12 science teachers
curriculum development,
, 246
horizontal and vertical learning,
, 239–241
mentoring, teacher leadership,
, 244–246
, 246
monthly professional development workshops,
, 241–243
teacher leadership projects,
, 243–244
teaching practice,
, 247
goal of,
, 236
STEM professional development center,
, 237
teacher leadership,
, 237–238
Wipro Science Education Fellowship (SEF), 236
change agents,
, 248
education reform,
, 238
elementary science teachers,
, 249
Montclair State University Network for Educational Renewal (MSUNER),
, 238
, 248
, 239
, 249
, 247
K-8 university laboratory school,
, 194
Laboratory schools,
, 6
Lab school teacher
opportunities for
co-teaching strategies,
, 145, 152–157
National Staff Development Council,
, 144
professional development experiences,
, 145
professional learning communities (PLCs),
, 145–148
school learning walks,
, 145, 147–152
professional development practices,
, 142
school–university partnership,
, 142
College of Education,
, 143
elementary classroom teachers,
, 143
leadership roles,
, 143–144
positive learning community,
, 143
Wyoming schools,
, 143
student learning and school improvement,
, 141
sustainable schoolwide reform,
, 142
Leadership competencies,
, 31
Learning accountability,
, 4
Learning communities,
, 172–173
Learning facilitators
, 52
professional learning series,
, 49–52
core teaching practices,
, 49
experience and professional knowledge,
, 50
New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT),
, 50–52
professional learning opportunities,
, 52
skill set,
, 49
Learning walks,
, 195
Lehman/Public School
, 291, 43
, 193–194
democratic leadership,
, 124–125
hybrid teacher leadership,
, 136–138
informal teacher leaders,
, 122
leadership structure,
, 123
mentor teachers,
, 122
professional/leadership identity,
, 125–126
research design
data analysis,
, 127
data sources,
, 127
phenomenological case study,
, 126–127
school-based teacher educators,
, 122
school–university partnership,
, 123
servant learning
“coach in the copy room,”
, 129–130
explicit tensions,
, 133
participants feelings,
, 132
prioritizing roles, tensions,
, 134
professional growth,
, 128
professional learning,
, 127–128
roles and responsibilities,
, 128
, 130–132
service and equity,
, 135–136
teaching professional practice,
, 124
Master of Education in Teaching (MEdT) program,
, 202
alumni Pipeline,
, 205–206
, 206–208
innovative practices
community contributions,
, 210–211
open-door policy,
, 210
personalized learning,
, 209–210
iterations of,
, 204
, 205
Master teacher associates (MTAs),
, 258, 260–262
Master teachers
evolution of
constructivist leadership,
, 258
growth opportunities,
, 259
hybrid learning environment,
, 257
inspiration and encouragement,
, 257
instructional practice,
, 258
master teacher associates (MTAs),
, 258, 260–262
Promise of Leadership (POL) Award recipients,
, 259
, 259, 260
organizational structures,
, 255
program redesign reflections,
, 264–266
P-12 schools,
, 255
school–university partnership,
, 256
story of,
, 262–264
teacher education programs,
, 255
Watson College of Education (WCE),
, 256
Mastery learning design,
, 66–67
Measures of Academic Progress (MAP),
, 157, 158, 176
, 196.
See also Pre-service candidate learning
Middle school,
, 88–89
Montclair State University Network for Educational Renewal (MSUNER),
, 238
Multidimensional inter-organizational settings,
, 33
Multiple leadership roles model,
, 21
National Assessment of Educational Progress results,
, 108
National Association for Professional Development Schools (NAPDS),
, 2, 12, 111, 165, 219, 279
National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs),
, 27
advanced learning,
, 169–170
Architecture of Accomplished Teaching (AAT),
, 175
certification process,
, 162
clinical faculty members,
, 165
clinical practice supervision course,
, 167–168
content and pedagogical knowledge,
, 170–171
co-teaching models,
, 176
Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP),
, 162
Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) report,
, 164
data collection and analysis,
, 168–169
direct and oversee learning,
, 171–172
, 173, 174
in-service teaching,
, 174
leadership qualities,
, 177
learning communities,
, 172–173
Measure of Academic Progress,
, 176
mentoring and communication skills,
, 174
National Association for Professional Development Schools,
, 165
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS),
, 162
National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE),
, 163
, 167
positive professional relationships,
, 176
pre-service teachers,
, 175
P-12 school clinical educators,
, 163
Teacher Leadership Exploratory Consortium (TLEC),
, 163
teacher leadership roles,
, 165
teacher leadership standards crosswalk,
, 165, 166
university-based teacher educators,
, 175
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS),
, 27, 162
National Commission on Excellence in Education,
, 26
National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE),
, 11, 116, 163, 278
National Education Association (NEA),
, 9
National Network for Educational Renewal (NNER),
, 2, 9
National professional network,
, 12
National Staff Development Council,
, 144
New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT),
, 50–52
Nine PDS Essentials,
, 12, 111, 116, 165, 202, 219, 279, 283, 287
No Child Left Behind (NCLB),
, 109
, 28
Open-door policy,
, 210
Organizational culture,
, 29
Organizational leadership,
, 24
Organizational skills,
, 185
Organizational structures,
, 255
Overarching competencies,
, 31
Parallel leadership,
, 24
Parent and Teacher Organization (PTO),
, 274–275
Participative leadership,
, 24
Performance-based compensation systems,
, 27
Personalized learning,
, 209–210
Policy leadership,
, 31
Political leaders,
, 4
Pre-service candidate learning
adult learning,
, 46
, 47
gradual release model,
, 47–48
Preservice teacher education curriculum,
, 48–49
Pre-service teachers,
, 175
Professional learning communities (PLCs),
, 282–283
collaborative process,
, 145
faculty benefit,
, 146–147
, 146
learner-centered education,
, 146
seventh grade math report card,
, 147, 148
staff-based training,
, 146
standards-referenced report card,
, 146, 147
Professional learning opportunities,
, 42, 52
Professional learning series
core teaching practices,
, 49
experience and professional knowledge,
, 50
New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT),
, 50–52
professional learning opportunities,
, 52
Project teacher leadership
Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS),
, 80
, 81
funding and implementation,
, 84
information meeting,
, 81–82
reflections to improve,
, 84–85
weekend workshop,
, 82–84
chain-of-command structures,
, 77
collaborative inquiry
“centers of inquiry,”
, 79
grade level team,
, 78
institutional and cultural barriers,
, 79
, 79
local knowledge,
, 91
, 78
school and university bureaucracies,
, 80
conceptualization of,
, 76
data analysis protocols,
, 85
field and new learning
elementary school (intermediate),
, 88
elementary school (primary),
, 87–88
high school,
, 89–90
middle school,
, 88–89
team inquiry projects,
, 86
, 92
problem-solving teachers,
, 90
“reality checks” teachers,
, 75–76
“stance of inquiry,”
, 91
teacher-centered professional development,
, 77
Teacher Leader Model Standards (TLMS),
, 77
teacher–professor–intern collaboration,
, 86
top-down professional cultures,
, 92
Towson University (TU),
, 80
, 80–81
funding and implementation,
, 84
information meeting,
, 81–82
reflections to improve,
, 84–85
weekend workshop,
, 82–84
Promise of Leadership (POL) Award recipients,
, 259
P-12 schools,
, 255
clinical educators,
, 163
Pygmalion Effect,
, 61
Quality teacher preparation,
, 4
Reflective feedback,
, 185
Research-based teaching practice,
, 5, 43–44, 53
School learning walks,
, 145
, 150
classroom visits,
, 150, 151
collaborative leadership,
, 147
complex and dynamic process,
, 152
education program,
, 149
instructional strategy,
, 149
observation form,
, 151
School–university–community partnerships,
, 30
School–university partnership,
, 2, 5, 9, 24, 32, 61, 142, 283–284
American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education,
, 219
Beginning Teacher Project,
, 217–218, 231
College of Education,
, 143
Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Preparation (CATP),
, 219
distributed leadership,
, 220–221
elementary classroom teachers,
, 143
empirical evidence,
, 223–224
, 227
community engagement,
, 230
dialog and feedback,
, 228
instructional decision-making,
, 229–230
sociocultural theoretical framework,
, 226
targeted professional development,
, 226–228
turnkey training,
, 228–229
Hillside Public Schools,
, 218, 222
initial findings and resources,
, 225–226
K-12 science teachers. See K-12 science teachers
leadership roles,
, 143–144
master teachers,
, 256
National Association for Professional Development Schools,
, 219
positive learning community,
, 143
research context,
, 222–223
sociocultural theoretical framework,
, 218
teacher leadership,
, 220
sociocultural approach,
, 221
teacher preparation,
, 219
Wyoming schools,
, 143
Self-fulfilling prophecy theory,
, 61, 62, 70–71
Servant learning
“coach in the copy room,”
, 129–130
explicit tensions,
, 133
participants feelings,
, 132
prioritizing roles, tensions,
, 134
professional growth,
, 128
professional learning,
, 127–128
roles and responsibilities,
, 128
, 130–132
service and equity,
, 135–136
Service practices,
, 3
Side by Side (SBS) Charter School,
, 184
Site-based decision-making,
, 27
Sociocultural theoretical framework,
, 226
, 7
, 3–4
Student learning,
, 20, 53
and achievement,
, 7–8
, 116
authentic community,
, 114
beyond test scores
Elementary and Secondary Education Act,
, 109
English language learners (ELLs),
, 111
National Assessment of Educational Progress results,
, 108
No Child Left Behind (NCLB),
, 109
P-12 achievement,
, 108
zero-tolerance discipline policies,
, 110
classroom-based evidence,
, 54–55
Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP) Committee,
, 102, 103
courageous, collegial partnership,
, 99–102
educational experiences,
, 107–108
English language proficiency,
, 55, 56
exercise, significant and responsible,
, 114
formal organizations,
, 112
grade level and team-based collaborations,
, 113
inquiry-based teaching and learning,
, 112
institutional barriers, teacher leadership,
, 111
learning and collaboration,
, 104–106
long-term effects,
, 55
National Association for Professional Development Schools (NAPDS),
, 111
National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE),
, 116
organizational constraints and pressures,
, 113
, 62, 67, 69–70
, 44
Teacher Leader Model Standards,
, 115
Teacher Leadership Exploratory Consortium,
, 115
Zane Trace Elementary School,
, 102
Targeted professional development,
, 226–228
Targets of Measurement (ToMs),
, 51
Teacher candidates (TCs) passions,
, 211–214.
See also Teacher preparation program (TPP)
Teacher-centered professional development,
, 77
Teacher collaboration model,
, 64, 70
Teacher education programs,
, 6, 13
Teacher-in-residence program,
, 23
Teacher Leader Model Standards (TLMS),
, 29, 30, 45–46, 77, 115, 192
Teacher leader preparation and development
formal roles,
, 279
National Association for Professional Development Schools,
, 279
National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE),
, 278
partnership development pathways,
, 279–280
Beginning Teacher Project,
, 282
professional learning,
, 282–283
reflective stories,
, 280
school–university partnerships,
, 283–284
teacher educators,
, 285–286
transformational learning,
, 282
Teacher leader reflections,
, 196–197
Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP) Committee,
, 102, 103
courageous, collegial partnership,
, 99–102
empowerment and leadership,
, 187
free educational workshops,
, 188
instructional coaching,
, 269–271
learning and collaboration,
, 104–106
organizational skills,
, 185
Parent and Teacher Organization (PTO),
, 274–275
professional development program,
, 187
, 183
reflective feedback,
, 185
residency model,
, 184
school-based professional development,
, 189
Side by Side (SBS) Charter School,
, 184
teaching and learning experiences,
, 186
time management,
, 185
tools for,
, 272–274
total teacher leaders,
, 181–183
traditional student teaching model,
, 184
William Paterson University (WPU) PDS Network,
, 188
Zane Trace Elementary School,
, 102
Teacher Leadership Exploratory Consortium (TLEC),
, 29, 115, 163, 192
Teacher leadership model,
, 19, 21
Teacher learning,
, 45–46, 52–53
Teacher mentoring programs,
, 27
Teacher preparation program (TPP)
distributed leadership perspective,
, 203–204
“grow your own” philosophy,
, 215
Master of Education in Teaching (MEdT) program,
, 202
alumni Pipeline,
, 205–206
, 206–208
innovative practices,
, 209–211
iterations of,
, 204
, 205
partnership level,
, 214–215
school–university partnership,
, 201
teacher leadership,
, 202–203
Teacher–professor–intern collaboration,
, 86
Teacher Quality Enhancement Partnership Grant program,
, 11
Teacher Quality Partnership (TQP),
, 15
Teaching and learning practices,
, 23
Teaching/learning cycle,
, 3
Time management,
, 185
“Tomorrow’s Schools of Education,”
, 10–11
Top-down leadership,
, 197
Towson University (TU),
, 80
, 80–81
funding and implementation,
, 84
information meeting,
, 81–82
reflections to improve,
, 84–85
weekend workshop,
, 82–84
Traditional mentoring continuum,
, 154, 155
Transformational learning,
, 282
Turnkey training,
, 228–229
Watson College of Education (WCE),
, 256
William Paterson University (WPU) PDS Network,
, 188
Wipro Science Education Fellowship (SEF),
, 236
change agents,
, 248
education reform,
, 238
elementary science teachers,
, 249
Montclair State University Network for Educational Renewal (MSUNER),
, 238
, 248
, 239
, 249
, 247
Zane Trace Elementary School,
, 102
- Prelims
- Professional Development Schools: An Overview and Brief History
- Teacher Leadership in Professional Development Schools: A Definition, Brief History, and Call for Further Study
- Section I: Teacher Leadership and Student Learning
- Collaborative Leadership in Meeting the Needs of English Learners in an Urban Elementary PDS
- De-tracking Ninth Grade Algebra: A Teacher Leadership Success Story
- Moving from Collaborative Teacher inquiry to Leadership: Four Stories from Project Teacher Leadership
- Teacher Leader Reflections: Teacher Leadership and Student Learning
- Teacher Leadership and Student Learning
- Section II: Definitions, Structures, and Cultures that Promote Teacher Leadership
- Teacher Leader Identities and Influences as Defined by Liaisons-in-Residence
- Lab School Teacher Leaders as Learners and Change Agents
- National Board Certified Teachers as Bridges for Teacher Candidates Entering the Profession
- Teacher Leader Reflections: Definitions, Structures, and Cultures that Promote Teacher Leadership
- Definitions, Structures, and Cultures that Promote Teacher Leadership: Making Sense of Section Two
- Section III: Teacher Leader Preparation and Development
- Cultivating Teacher Candidates’ Passions into Leadership for Tomorrow: The Gift that Keeps on Giving
- Developing Teacher Leaders Using a Distributed Leadership Model: Five Signature Features of a School–University Partnership
- Growing our Own: Fostering Teacher Leadership in K-12 Science Teachers through School–University Partnerships
- Developing Leadership Capacity in PDS Master Teachers
- Teacher Leader Reflections: Teacher Leader Preparation and Development
- Teacher Leader Preparation and Development in PDS: Themes and Recommendations
- More Questions for Reflection and Discussion
- Tables, Illustrations, and Figures
- About the Contributors
- Index