About the Authors
Green Economy in the Western Balkans
ISBN: 978-1-78714-500-9, eISBN: 978-1-78714-499-6
Publication date: 13 October 2017
(2017), "About the Authors", Renko, S. and Pestek, A. (Ed.) Green Economy in the Western Balkans, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 423-433. https://doi.org/10.1108/978-1-78714-499-620171014
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2017 Emerald Publishing Limited
Nikolaos Apostolopoulos is a Lecturer in Entrepreneurship and Deputy Programme Manager in the MSc in Entrepreneurship and MSc in Entrepreneurship and International Development at University of Plymouth. He holds a PhD with distinction in Entrepreneurship and Regional Sustainable Development in the European Union (EU). He has participated in more than 10 funding initiatives of the EU structural funds and he is key researcher of a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Governance. He is co-author of a handbook which explores social entrepreneurship in Europe and co-editor in a forthcoming collective volume in entrepreneurship and the Sustainable Development Goals. Finally, he acts as scientific adviser at the Labour Institute (INE-GSEE) and at the rehabilitation centre “Amaltheia” in Greece.
Amra Banda has a Master’s degree in Tourism and environmental protection. She works as a Senior Teaching Assistant at the Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Her main research themes are geoecology and tourism and environmental protection. Now, she is a PhD student in Doctoral Studies, Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo, Department of Geography. She is the author of several scientific and research papers.
Tjaša Bartolj works as a researcher at the Institute for Economic Research. As an assistant at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, she teaches a course in Econometrics. Her research interests are applied econometrics, economics of education, behavioural and labour economics. She has published papers in ecological indicators, economics of education review and post-communist economies.
Kristina Bučar is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Tourism, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, Croatia. She has carried out research on topics such as tourism geography, tourism and environment, sport tourism and health tourism. She has had her works published in journals of national and international importance, and has presented works at prestigious national and international conferences. She has done two study visits abroad: at the Wirtschaftsuniversität in Wien (Austria) and as a part of international project “Sport and work” at Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Lille 2, Lille, France.
Merima Činjarević is an Assistant Professor at the School of Economics and Business, University of Sarajevo, where she teaches Microeconomics and Managerial Economics. She graduated in Economics, Major Finance and Accounting and she holds a Master of Science degree in Marketing. She has participated in several domestic and international conferences and has published 25 scientific and professional articles in regional and international journals.
Sreten Ćuzović is a Full Professor at the Faculty of Economics, University of Niš, Niš, Serbia teaching Economics of Trade and Trade Management (undergraduate studies), Trade Marketing (master studies) and Strategy and Politic of Trade Development (doctoral studies). His interests cover the areas of trade, trade policy, trade management, trade marketing, sales management, retail internationalization and quality management in trade. So far he has had his works published in journals of national and international importance, and has presented works at prestigious national and international conferences. The journals in which he has had his works published so far include Economic Themes, Industry, Business Policy, Montenegrin Journal of Economics, TTEM, Marketing, EBER Journal, Business Politics, Quality.
Elena Makrevska Disoska is an Assistant Professor at the Department of International Trade, Faculty of Economics, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje. Her field of research is in international economics and European economic integration. She is engaged on subjects titled: The EU Single Market and International Organizations and Integration at the Undergraduate Studies. She is the author of the monograph: The Euro and the International Trade of EU, published in 2015. So far she has been engaged in a number of national projects and has participated in many international and domestic workshops and conferences.
Radivoje Drobnjak is Business Development Manager at MONTIMPREX Marketing Agency and Executive Director at Centre for Development of Entrepreneurial Society in Montenegro. As a consultant and a trainer in the field of entrepreneurship, innovation and management of small- and medium-sized enterprises, he is committed to hard work and education, and is an avid reader and dreamer. He has years of experience in teaching: Business, Entrepreneurship, Technology and Innovation, Entrepreneurial Finance, Management of investments and Marketing Management of SME’s at the Faculty of Economics in Podgorica, University of Montenegro and has worked as an external consultant on the PACiNNO project, a part of IPA Adriatic Cross Border Cooperation program. He is an author of several scientific and research papers and participant of numerous academic and commercial projects from the fields of economy.
Renata Slabe Erker is a Senior Researcher at the Institute for Economic Research (IER), Ljubljana, Slovenia. She started her research career at the IER in 1995. Since then she has been involved in or has led a number of research projects on issues of environmental economics, economics of nature conservation and sustainable development. Recently, her research activities are focused on the environmental effects of agricultural policy and economic valuation of nature.
Urša Golob is an Associate Professor of Marketing Communications at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana. She has published in journals such as European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business Ethics, Public Policy & Marketing, Public Relations Review, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Marketing Communications and Corporate Communications: An International Journal. She has also authored or co-authored several book chapters on themes related to corporate social responsibility. Her research interests focus on corporate social responsibility, sustainability, corporate communications and marketing. She is one of the co-founders of the International CSR Communication Conference.
Alexandros Kakouris is a Postdoctoral Researcher and Adjunct Lecturer at the Sustainable Development and Entrepreneurship Lab. at the University of Peloponnese, Greece. He holds a PhD in Physics, MSc in Adult Education and is about to complete a second PhD in Entrepreneurship. He has been teaching innovation and entrepreneurship in various university settings and pursues research in entrepreneurial learning and education since 2007 focusing on experiential and transformative learning theories. He has published three textbooks and a series of papers in the field. He has wide experience in career counselling and encouragement of youth entrepreneurship through the career services at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
Amra Kapo is an Assistant Professor at the Department for Management and Information Technologies and Coordinator for Distance Learning Activities at the School of Economics and Business Sarajevo. Her research interests are in the area of e-learning in higher education and lifelong learning. Besides academic work, Amra was part of information technologies projects such as informatization of health in Sarajevo Canton, development of e-learning courses in different areas: telecom and financial sector and non-governmental organizations.
Irena Kikerkova is a Full-Time Professor in Faculty of Economics at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje. Her research preoccupation is focused on international economics, regional integration, international trade, WTO – trading system and foreign direct investment issues. She published over 70 articles and three textbooks as author and three textbooks and a research monograph as co-author. She was also editor of two research monographs.
Mateja Kos Koklič is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana. Her research focuses on consumer behaviour, particularly in the digital piracy and sustainable consumption context. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on consumer behaviour, consumer psychology and principles of marketing. She published her work in journals such as Journal of Business Ethics, Computers in Human Behavior, Behavior and Technology and International Journal of Consumer Studies.
Aida Korjenić is a Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Her scientific areas are physical geography and regional and spatial planning. She is the author of more than 30 scientific and professional articles published in regional and international journals, from the scientific domain of physical geography, spatial planning, tourism and environmental protection. She participated in domestic and international scientific conferences, not only as an author of articles but also as a member of an organizational and scientific committee.
Panagiotis Liargovas is a Professor of European and International Economics and Director of the Jean Monnet European Center of Excellence on Governance, University of Peloponnese, Greece. He is also Head of the Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) at the Hellenic Parliament. He specializes on international and European economics, monetary economics, regional economics and economic development and policy. His research agenda is highly interdisciplinary, combining economics, banking and finance, social issues and management and focuses mainly on two regions: European Union and Southeast Europe (including Greece).
Jasmina Mangafić is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Microeconomics, School of Economics and Business, University of Sarajevo. She teaches Business Economics and Microeconomics. She holds a Master of Science degree in Finance and Accounting from the School of Economics and Business, University of Sarajevo, and the Master of Business Administration, University of Delaware. She has more than 10 years of consulting experience in different local, as international companies, as international development agencies.
Danijela Martinović is an Associate Professor at the Department of Microeconomics, School of Economics and Business, University of Sarajevo. She teaches Business Economics, Microeconomics and Operations Management. She holds a Master of Science degree in Finance and Accounting from the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb. She graduated in Major Finance and in German Language at the Department of Germanic studies, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo. She has participated in various seminars, conferences and scientific symposiums.
Svetlana Sokolov Mladenović is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Economics in Niš, teaching Economics of Trade and Trade Management (Undergraduate Studies) and Trade Marketing (Master Studies). Her interests cover the areas of trade, trade policy, trade management, trade marketing, sales management, retail internationalization and internationalization of trade. So far she has had her works published in journals of national and international importance and has presented works at prestigious national and international conferences. The journals in which she has had her works published so far include Economic Themes, Industry, Business Policy, Montenegrin Journal of Economics, TTEM, Marketing, EBER Journal.
Nika Murovec is a Research Fellow at the Institute for Economic Research. She holds a PhD from the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana. Her research work has mostly been focused on the analysis of different aspects of innovation. Within this, sustainability issues (the production as well as the consumption aspect) are a special interest of hers. Alongside her research work, she was an assistant on the Faculty of Economics for several years.
Marko Ogorevc graduated at the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana in 2007 on a topic of Real convergence in EU: Spatial Econometric Analysis. After graduation, he finished Master Programme – Information Management (MSc) and obtained a PhD in Economics in 2013. He has 10 years of working experience and is currently employed as a researcher at the Institute for Economic Research, focusing on data science.
Ilias Pappas is an Economist and Researcher at the Sustainable Development and Entrepreneurship Lab, University of Peloponnese, Greece. His research focuses on sustainable and social entrepreneurship.
Kristina Petljak is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Trade, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, Croatia. Her research interests include retailing management, with special emphasis on green supply chain management, retail logistics, organic and fair trade food.
Velma Pijalović is an Associate Professor at the Department of Economic Theory and Policy as well as Department of Finance, School of Economics and Business, University of Sarajevo. She teaches undergraduate and postgraduate courses in public sector economics, financing of the public services, social policy and labour markets and social policy and labour markets in the EU. Dr. Pijalovic has a broad research and consultancy experience in the field of the preparation, implementation and analysis of economic policies in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Amila Pilav-Velić is an Assistant Professor at the Department of management and Information Technology, School of Economics and Business, University of Sarajevo. She completed her postdoctoral studies at Freie Universität Berlin, Department for Innovation Management. Her main areas of expertise are innovation management, particularly open innovation, business process management (innovations) and inter-organizational collaboration. As a pioneer of open innovation in her country, she has participated in many relevant projects including consultancy in the field. She is an author of numerous research papers, including one chapter and book. Since 2013 she has been promoted in the Head of faculty development centre at her home institution.
Marija Mosurović Ružičić is a Scientific Associate and the member of Scientific Council at the Institute Mihailo Pupin, University of Belgrade, Serbia. She has carried out research in field of strategic management, organizational theory, management and business, industrial policy development, EU integration and science and technology policy research. She published the research results in 28 scientific and professional papers including journals, monographs and conference proceedings, both national and international. She was involved in more than 10 research projects funded by European Commission, including FP6 and FP7 programmes, such as EVALINNO– Fostering Evaluation Competencies in SEE Region and WBC-INCO.NET – Western Balkan Countries International Cooperation Net.
Amina Sivac is a Teaching Assistant at the Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. She holds a Master’s degree in Tourism and Environmental Protection. Her main research theme is a Geographical Information System (GIS) application in regional and spatial planning and tourism. She is currently a PhD student at the Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo. She was a member of several organization committees for domestic and international scientific conferences and has published numerous scientific articles in domestic and international journals and is a co-author of a scientific monography.
Tjaša Štrukelj is an Assistant Professor for Enterprise Policy, Strategic Management, Enterprise Culture, Enterprise Ethics and SMEs Management at the Department of Strategic Management and Enterprise Policy, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia. She does also confidential clerk work, advisory work in business praxis, is a co-editor of series of professional monographs contemporary business and economics, is a member of editorial board of MER Journal for Management and Development, Slovenia, a member of SME Intensive Study Program Graduate Association of University St Gallen, Switzerland, a member of IMTA – International Management Teachers Academy Alumni Association of IEDC – Bled School of Management, Slovenia, a member of IRDO, Slovenia, and a member of the Council of the Institute SrCi Institute of systems thinking and holistic innovating Maribor.
Ivana Stulec is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Trade, the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb. Her research interests include econometric analysis of retail sales, weather effect on the supply chain, green supply chain management, consumer buying behaviour, e-commerce and commodity exchanges.
Metod Šuligoj is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Tourism Studies – Turistica, University of Primorska, Slovenia. His main research and professional interests include quality in hospitality industry, management in tourism, human resources in tourism and special interests tourism. He started his professional career in the hotel industry, where he was promoted to hotel manager and later to project manager. He has been working on many national and international projects financially supported by national or EU funds, Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS), Ministry of Science, Education and Sport of Croatia or Federal Ministry of Education and Science of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In addition to research and teaching activities, he is also an Accommodation Assessor, an EFQM Excellence Assessor in Slovenia and an Experts witness in the fields of quality in tourism and in the hospitality industry.
Katerina Toshevska-Trpchevska is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Economics, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. She teaches Multilateral Trading System and International Trade Transactions at the same faculty. During her career, she has published more than 25 professional and scientific papers in domestic and foreign journals. She has participated in more than 20 domestic and international conferences, several seminars, workshops and has done two study visits abroad at the George Washington University in Washington D.C., USA and at the University Universidade Nova de Lisboa in Lisbon, Portugal.
Predrag Vuković is a Research Associate in the Institute Agricultural Economics, Belgrade, Serbia. He has carried out research on topics such as marketing at tourism, destination management, rural tourism and economics of agriculture. He is involved in Projects of Ministry of Education and Science, Republic of Serbia. He has presented papers at numerous international conferences. He is member of following professional associations: European Association of Agricultural Economists (E.A.A.E), Balkan Scientific Association of Agricultural Economists (B.S.A.A.E) and Serbian Association of Agricultural Economist (S.A.A.E.). He is also member of editorial review board in International Journal of Sustainable Economies Management (IJSEM).
Vesna Zabkar is a Full Professor of Marketing at Faculty of Economics (FELU), University of Ljubljana and Vice-Dean of Research and Doctoral Studies at FELU. She was a Visiting Scholar at Northwestern University (Fulbright Grant) and is a Visiting Professor at University of Vienna (Chair of International marketing). She holds courses on marketing communications, strategic marketing analysis, marketing for managers and digital marketing. Her research interests focus on the role of marketing inside companies, marketing communications effectiveness, corporate social responsibility and green marketing. She is the head of a research project on sustainable and responsible consumption.
- Prelims
- 1 The Basic Postulates of the Green Image of a Country: The Case of Croatia
- 2 Going Beyond Green: Exploring Sustainability in Slovenia
- 3 SMEs and Green Growth: The Effectiveness of Support Mechanisms and Initiatives Matters
- 4 Sustainable Waste Management Practices: Challenges in the Republic of Macedonia
- 5 Managing Environmental Component of Sustainable Development in Trade Sector of Serbia
- 6 Green Orientation in Tourism of Western Balkan Countries
- 7 Potentials of Upper Danube Region in the Republic of Serbia for Sustainable Tourism Development
- 8 Socially Responsible Enterprises for Sustainable Future: Greening Practices from Slovenia
- 9 Consumer Innovativeness and Organic Food Purchase Intentions
- 10 Why is Energy Efficiency (IR)Relevant for Western Balkans Countries?
- 11 Sustainable Development and Active Management of Water in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- 12 Agriculture and Entrepreneurship as a Factor of Sustainable Development of Montenegro
- About the Editors
- About the Authors
- Index