Raji Ajwani-Ramchandani
(BAIF Development Research Foundation, Pune, India)
The Role of Microfinance in Women’s Empowerment
ISBN: 978-1-78714-426-2, eISBN: 978-1-78714-425-5
Publication date: 4 October 2017
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Ajwani-Ramchandani, R. (2017), "Index", The Role of Microfinance in Women’s Empowerment, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 295-299.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2017 Emerald Publishing Limited
Aadhaar Bridge Payment System (ABPS)
, 61
Aadhaar-Enabled Payment System (AEPS)
, 61
All India Debt and Investments Survey 1992 (AIDIS, 1992)
, 57
Annapurna Mahila Co-operative Credit Society (AMCCS)
, 25, 87, 110–114
Annapurna Mahila Multi-State Co-Operative Credit Society Limited
, 174, 175
Annapurna Pariwar (AP)
, 103
Annapurna Mahila Cooperative Credit Society Ltd (AMCCSL)
, 107–110
Annapurna Mahila Mandal (AMM), Mumbai
, 104–106
Annapurna Mahila Mandal, Pune
, 106
Annapurna Parivar Vikas Samavardhan (APVS)
, 106–107
Vatsalyapurna Swayamrojgar Seva Cooperative Society (VSSCS)
, 107
Automated Teller Machine (ATM)
, 46, 47
Avenues of saving (Urban-JLG)
, 180
Banking correspondents (BCs)
, 61, 212
Banking system, misuse of
, 229
banking reforms
, 58–59
impact on
, 54–55
nationalisation of
, 55–56
, 56–58
post-reforms period
, 58
Bhartiya Mahila Bank (BMB)
, 233–234
Cash-based society
, 47
Centre for Self-Help Development (CSD)
, 19
Community-based microfinance institutions (CBMFI)
, 33, 38, 39, 41, 100–101
Competition Commission of India (CCI)
, 234
Comprehensive microfinance programmes
, 5
Consumption vs. creation dilemma
, 270–271
Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
, 250
Credit avenues (Urban-JLG)
, 180
DBT. See Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT)
, 47, 60–65, 213–216, 219–220, 230–233
Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas (DWCRA)
, 69
Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT)
, 61
Domestic stress
, 10
Domestic violence
, 21
Earning/working capacity, life stages
, 31
, 271
ECOSOC. See UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
Employment opportunities and compensation, men and women
, 5
Empowered woman, characteristics of
, 137
, 32–33
, 32–33
concept of
, 1–2
definitions and perspectives
, 17–19
paradigms of
, 31–32
, 32–33
status of
, 239–244
theoretical model of
, 39
Empowerment, paradigms of
, 31–32
, 254–257
Farmer producer organisation (FPO)
, 252
Feminist empowerment paradigm
, 31, 37
Financial exclusion
causes of
, 51
community/societal level
, 54
consequences of
, 53–54
individual level
, 53–54
Financial inclusion
elements of
, 50–51
Financial Inclusion Advisory Committee (FIAC)
, 60
Financial inclusion and exclusion, concepts of
, 50–55
Financial investment
, 258–259
Financial Literacy Centres (FLCs)
, 61
Financial management skills
, 10
Financial self-sustainability paradigm
, 31
Financial services, factors affecting access to
, 52–53
Financial Stability and Development Council (FSDC)
, 59
Financial sustainability paradigm
, 31
Focus group discussions (FGDs)
, 91
Ganga Kalyan Yojana (GKY)
, 69
Gender and distribution of resources
positive and negative freedom
, 33–37
Gender bias
, 84
Gender development policies
, 9
Gender equality
, 6, 19
Globally integrated economy
, 6
, 122–124
Good leader, qualities of
, 135
Gramin Mahila Swayamsiddha Sangh (GMSS)
, 103, 126–128
forming SHG federations
, 115–117
health mutual for members
, 119–121
loan products
, 121–122
nomination to board
, 119
origins of
, 115
savings collection
, 119
, 117
Green Revolution
, 57
Human Rights and Capabilities (Sen)
, 28
Indian banking scenario
, 55–59
Information Communication and Technology (ICT)
, 58
Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP)
, 21, 69
Intra-household decision making
, 10
Jawhar Rozgar Yojna (JRY)
, 69
JLG beneficiaries
, 245–247
Joint liability group (JLG)
, 11, 38, 65
hypothesis test results for
, 197–198
membership into
, 75–76
region-wise trends of
, 76–79
Less developed countries (LDCs)
, 5
Life stages, needs and sources of funds
, 29–31
Liquidity crunch
, 47
Livelihood clusters
, 252–254
Loan outstanding
, 74
adverse sex ratio
, 84
data collection timeframe
, 96
, 96–99
ethnographic research
, 93–96
less documented
, 86
MFIS, opportunity for
, 86
, 87, 99–100
prosperity and poverty
, 83–84
Pune district
, 86–87
rampant malnutrition
, 84–85
research design and method
, 92–93
rural and urban areas
, 101
sample selection and size
, 92
sampling frame
, 90
sampling tools
, 91–92
sampling units
, 90
selection of slums
, 89–90
vetale village
, 88–89
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MNREGA)
, 65
Market linkages, lack of
, 136
Market-based credit policy
, 58
Market-linked clusters
, 259–260
Maslow’s hierarchy
, 242
MFI-Bank Linkage Programme (MFI-BLP)
, 74
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)
, 234
challenges and critiques of
, 22–23
enabler of development initiatives
, 19–20
evolution of
, 70
, 22
progress of
, 71
status of
, 68–72
virtuous spirals of
, 21
woman beneficiary of
, 29
on women and empowerment
, 20–22
women beneficiaries
, 239–244
Microfinance Institutions (Development and Regulation) Bill
, 2012, 228–229
Microfinance institutions (MFIs)
, 4, 8, 11
opportunity for
, 86
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
, 4
Million Wells Schemes (MWS)
, 69
Modi era and demonetisation
, 60–65
Mover-stayer model
, 36
, 234–236
National Rural Development Programme (NRDP)
, 69
Payment banks
, 266–271
Payments Banks (PBs)
, 60
Point of sale (POS)
, 61
Poverty alleviation paradigm
, 31
Poverty-debt-social exclusion
, 54
Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY)
, 47
Pre-membership phase, sources of funds
, 29–30
Prime income-generation phase, sources of funds
, 30–31
Prime Minister’s Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY)
, 221, 222
Proof of identity
, 46
Public sector undertaking (PSU) banks
, 269
, 35
Rampant malnutrition
, 84–85
Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
, 45–46
Resource Institution (RI)
, 252
Rural area
assets owned by members
, 170
awareness of development programmes
, 165–167
banking transactions independently
, 162–165
changes in beneficiaries
, 154–157
changes in mobility
, 159
changes in savings
, 150–157
express opinion and views
, 159–160
family members/friends post-access to microfinance
, 158–159
, 126–128
individual member level
, 150, 151
informal savings options
, 168–169
medical emergencies
, 160–162
members in leadership positions
, 170–171
personal grooming pattern
, 165, 166
selected SHG
, 129–150
SHG federation model
, 125–126
village/community level
, 167
Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Programme (RLEGP)
, 69
Self-help group
, 257–266
Self-help group (SHG) federation
, 11, 20, 38, 48, 49, 65
SHG-Bank Linkage Programme (SHG-BLP)
, 69, 72–74
SHG/JLG models
, 244–245, 247–251
Small Farmers Agribusiness Consortium (SFAC)
, 252
Small Farmers Development Scheme (SFDS)
, 69
Small Finance Banks (SFBs)
, 60
Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI)
, 234
Socio-economic barriers
, 34
Socio-economic environment
, 1
Supply of Improved Toolkits to Rural Artisans (SITRA)
, 69
Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana (SGSY)
, 69
Tamil Nadu Women’s Development Programme (TNWDP)
, 21
Toilets, access to
, 137
Trade policies
, 6
Training of Rural Youth for Self Employment (TRYSEM)
, 69
Transformative agency
, 32
Twenty Point Programme (TPP)
, 69
Urban area
awareness of development programmes
, 197
changes in mobility
, 200
facing medical emergencies
, 207–209
individual level
, 196–209
JLG model
, 173–175
JLGs and their members
, 175–187
personal grooming pattern
, 200
Vetale village
infrastructure-level changes
, 211–213
SHG federation
, 213–216
SHGs and member-level changes
, 217–226
village cluster-level changes
, 213–216
in agriculture and food production
, 6
bargaining power
, 7
basic infrastructure
, 8–10
social alienation of
, 28
social and political empowerment for
, 21
Women beneficiaries
, 239–244
Women beneficiary opinion
, 82
Women’s economic empowerment
, 6
Women’s empowerment
concept of
, 18
World Bank
, 18
Working Women’s Forum (WWF)
, 19
World Bank
, 18, 46
- Prelims
- Chapter 1 Introduction
- Chapter 2 Literature Review
- Chapter 3 Conceptualising Empowerment: A Theoretical Model
- Chapter 4 Nationalisation to Demonetisation: An Overview of the Indian Banking Sector
- Chapter 5 Microfinance in India – The Self-Help Group Federation and Joint Liability Models
- Chapter 6 Data and Methods
- Chapter 7 An Overview of the MFI Organisations: Annapurna Pariwar (AP) and GMSS
- Chapter 8 Observations and Discussion – Rural Area
- Chapter 9 Observations and Discussion – Urban Area
- Chapter 10 Vetale Village: Then and Now (2013–2016)
- Chapter 11 Concluding Remarks
- Appendix 1 A ‘Bad Loans’ Bank for India
- Appendix 2 Less Cash or Cashless: What about the Common Man?
- References
- Index