
Peter Kivisto

The Trump Phenomenon

ISBN: 978-1-78714-368-5, eISBN: 978-1-78714-367-8

Publication date: 8 August 2017

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Kivisto, P. (2017), "Index", The Trump Phenomenon (Society Now), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 135-140.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © Peter Kivisto, 2017


Achen, Christopher H.
, 9

“Age of show business”
, 80–81

Ailes, Roger
, 82

Alexander, Jeffrey C.
, 8

analysis of Barack Obama’s electoral victory
, 9

Alt-right movement
, 44

Alterman, Eric
, 83

American democracy
, 3, 34, 42, 74

American Voter, The
, 43

American voters
, 1, 43, 44

, 20, 55, 66

Anti-Trump narratives
, 4, 33, 34

business career
, 22–23

, 23

, 13–21

leadership traits in democracy
, 10

, 10, 11

political worldview
, 23–30

Apprentice, The
, 12

Art of the Deal, The
, 21

Atlantic, The
, 17

Authoritarian Personality, The
, 53

Authoritarian rulers
, 84

Authoritarian thinking
, 53

Authoritarianism, institutional openings to
, 73

institutional filters
, 73, 74

mass media
, 76–86

, 75

from party of Lincoln to party of white backlash
, 87–106

serial norm breaker
, 73

trust deficit
, 74–75

Ayn Rand’s novels
, 55

Bannon, Steve
, 57, 58

Barnum, P. T.
, 13

Bartels, Larry M.
, 9

Big Five personality dimensions
, 17

Black–white relations
, 64

Blair, Gwenda
, 22

“Blow-up the system” populist
, 78

Burns, Alexander
, 31

Bush, George W.
, 20

Campbell, Angus
, 43

Categorical frameworks
, 67

Christian Right
, 51, 92

advocacy organization
, 101

, 93

Moral Majority
, 95

movement mobilization
, 94

, 97

, 99

Williams’s argument
, 96

“Church militant” theology
, 57, 58

Civil Rights Act (1964)
, 89

Civil society
, 8

“Civil war within right-wing media”
, 84

Climate change deniers
, 85

Clinton, Hillary
, 2, 35

Cohn, Roy
, 28

Congressional Southerners
, 90

Conservative laws
, 59

Conservative southern Democrats
, 89

Conway, Kellyanne
, 85

Cox, Jonathan Woodrow
, 57

Dahl, Robert
, 9

“Dark money” campaign funding
, 88

, 3, 7

Democratic culture and civic virtue
, 7

Alexander’s analysis of Barack Obama’s electoral victory
, 9

rude democracy
, 8

social identities
, 9–10

vital center
, 11

working binaries
, 33–34

Democratic Party
, 41, 46, 91

Democratic political systems
, 8

, 46, 48, 50, 56, 58, 87, 89, 90, 103

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-V)
, 15

Diamond, Larry
, 75

Dickinson, Tim
, 82

DiMaggio, Anthony
, 78

, 18, 29

Dobson, James
, 101

Drake, Richard
, 87

Draper, Robert
, 84

Drudge Report, The
, 63

DSM-V. See Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-V)

Dunce cap nation
, 43

Durkheim, Émile
, 5

Economist, The
, 23, 47

Educated guardians (Plato)
, 42

Exit polls
, 49–50

Extreme vetting
, 31

Factual distortions
, 83–84

Farrell, John A.
, 90

, 24–26, 30, 52, 87

, 58

Refuse Fascism
, 26

, 24

Fascism-Scale (F-Scale)
, 52

Fishwick, Carmen
, 58

Fox News
, 20, 38, 47, 63, 82

“Free market” capitalism
, 70

Freedman, Samuel
, 57

, 92–93

, 94

Fuzzy totalitarianism
, 24

Gardner, Howard
, 17

Global democratic recession
, 75

God, Guns, Grits, and Gravy
, 96

Goldwater Rule
, 16

Gorski, Philip
, 11

Grey, Sarah
, 26

Gross, Neil
, 5

Guardian, The
, 47, 58

Guns & Ammo magazine
, 97

Haidt, Jonathan
, 61

, 41, 49

Hochschild, Jennifer L.
, 43

Huffington Post, The
, 55

Identity liberalism
, 68

Ideological silos
, 46, 47

Individual personality
, 17

, 81

Institutional filters
, 73, 74

Islamic fascism
, 58

John Birch Society
, 87–88

, 76, 77, 80

Judeo-Christian nation
, 96

Kagan, Robert
, 14, 25

Koch, Fred
, 88

Krauthammer, Charles
, 14

Kroll, Jerome
, 16

Lake Charles
, 64, 65

Lane, Christopher
, 99

Levitsky, Steven
, 73

Lilla, Mark
, 68

Limbaugh, Rush
, 62

Line cutters
, 64

Martin, Jonathan
, 31

Marty, Martin
, 93

Mayer, Jane
, 88

Mazlish, Bruce
, 16

McAdams, Dan P.
, 17

McCain, John
, 2

McLaughlin Group, The
, 81

Medicare program
, 89

Mental-health professionals
, 17

Mexican government
, 2

Michaelis, Ben
, 17

Moral majority
, 51, 95

Movement mobilization
, 94

Moyers, Bill
, 90

Müller, Jan-Werner
, 30

Murdoch, Rupert
, 77

Narcissistic alexithymia
, 15

, 10, 11

National Enquirer
, 45

National Firearms Act (1934)
, 97

National Policy Institute
, 56–57

National Rifle Association (NRA)
, 97

Negative portraits
, 22

, 23, 71, 75

New York Times, The
, 25, 47

New Yorker, The
, 18, 19, 21, 47

Newspaper advertisements
, 28

Nixon, Richard
, 90, 91

Nonprint venues
, 77

, 40–42

Obama, Barack
, 7, 9, 20, 30, 85, 101

as double threat to Tea Party
, 101–106

, 58

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
, 40

Paranoid rhetorical style
, 54

Parker, Kathleen
, 3

“Party of Lincoln”
, 71, 87–88, 90

, 94

Performance of Politics, The
, 9

Pew Research Center
, 30, 46, 51, 104

about Republicans and Democrats
, 46

, 44

2012 demographic profile of nonvoters
, 40–41

Phillips, Kevin
, 90

Plot against America, The
, 27

Polarization of electorate
, 46–48

“Politics of identity”
, 69

, 31, 67, 68

, 4, 27, 30–32, 36, 105

Populist explosion
, 67

Post-election survey
, 45

Pouncey, Claire
, 16

Prior, Markus
, 85

Protestant denominations
, 51

Psychohistorical inquiry
, 16

Racial discrimination
, 48

Reagan, Ronald
, 22, 91

Refuse Fascism
, 26

Reich, Robert
, 25

, 99

Republican Party
, 2–3, 46, 54, 55, 71, 74, 78, 82, 87, 89, 90, 103, 105

, 89

, 2–3

, 86–87

right-wing populism
, 68

Right-wing populism
, 4, 27, 30–32, 36, 105

Right-wing populists
, 68, 105, 106

Roth, Philip
, 27

Rude democracy
, 8

Schlesinger, Arthur Jr
, 11

Schmitt, Carl
, 29

Schudson, Michael
, 76

Schwartz, Tony
, 19

Second Amendment
, 59, 97

“Self-credentialed” experts
, 83

Self-defined liberals
, 44

Serial norm breaker
, 73

“700 Club” program
, 94

Sherman, Gabriel
, 82

Silver, Nate
, 49

Simon, George
, 17

Sky-high extroversion
, 17

Social identities
, 9–10

Social Security Amendments Act
, 89

Somers, Margaret
, 22

Southern Poverty Law Center
, 57

Southern strategy
, 88–92

Soviet military threat
, 54

Spencer, Richard
, 56

Stanley, Jason
, 83

Stenner, Karen
, 53

Steward, Lyman
, 92

Stone, Roger
, 28

Sykes, Charles
, 84

Tea Party adherents
, 62, 67

“Three-fifths compromise”
, 37

“Trolls for Trump” profile
, 57

Trump, Donald J.
, 1–6, 12

business calls
, 20

business career
, 22–23

, 13–21

leadership traits in democracy
, 10

, 10, 11

personality traits
, 18

political worldview
, 23–30

public persona
, 19

see also Anti-Trump narratives

Trump phenomenon
, 5, 25, 67

see also Trump voter

Trump voter
, 35

alt-right movement
, 44

demographic profile
, 49

dunce cap nation
, 43

educated guardians
, 42

exit polls
, 50

labeling baskets
, 67–71

, 36–41

polarization of electorate
, 46–48

post-election survey
, 45

Protestant denominations
, 51

, 51–67

volatile political environment
, 35

Trumpism, analysis of
, 4

Trust deficit
, 74–75

Truth About Trump, The
, 21

Ultra-free-market policies
, 103

, 24

“Vast right-wing conspiracy”
, 86

Vietnam War
, 75

Vital center
, 11

Volatile political environment
, 35

Voting Rights Act (1965)
, 41, 89

Walker, Scott
, 65

Wall Street Journal, The
, 47, 77

Washington Post, The
, 3, 47, 57

Weiler, Jonathan
, 55

White nationalism
, 88–92

Williams, Rhys
, 95

Ziblatt, Daniel
, 73