
Take Care

ISBN: 978-1-78714-293-0, eISBN: 978-1-78714-292-3

Publication date: 23 June 2017


Grayson, D. (2017), "End-Notes", Take Care, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 239-255. https://doi.org/10.1108/978-1-78714-292-320171017



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2017 Emerald Publishing Limited

1Johnnie and Tiggy Walker are patrons of Carers UK. Tiggy’s account of her journey as carer and then being cared for, is movingly described in her book Unplanned Journey, 2015.

2 http://www.theguardian.com/guardian-observer-style-guide-c

3 Supporting Carers in Your Workforce: A Manager’s Handbook. Employers for Carers; 2015.

4Data collected by Carers UK.

5 http://www.age-platform.eu/age-work/age-policy-work/health/age-work/2656-interactive-platform-for-informal-carers-launched

6 Summary – Unpaid help: who does what? – SCP.

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30Buckner, L. (2015). Valuing Carers 2015. University of Leeds & Sue Yeandle, University of Sheffield.

31 Speaking to 6th International Caring Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, September 2015.

32 Stages of the Caring Journey – Emily Holzhausen – September 2016, Carers UK internal working paper.

33Based on meeting 25 November 2016 and subsequent e-mail exchange.

34Carers UK. (2015). State of Caring 2015, Carers UK.

35 http://www.caringacross.org/stories/why-working-caregivers-need-paid-leave/

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37 https://www.amazon.com/Alzheimers-Through-My-Mothers-Eyes-ebook/dp/B00H5QAY3A

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39Carers UK Caring magazine 2016; interview with author 16 January 2017 and e-mail exchange

40Text provided by Vivien Kwok and subsequent emails 2016-2017.

41 http://www.recruitment-international.co.uk/news/employers-need-to-do-more-to-help-carers-27033.htm

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74 Author interview.

75Author interview with Sharon Graff and subsequent e-mail exchanges.

76Blueprint for Better Business. Retrieved from http://www.blueprintforbusiness.org/

77Employer Resource Guide Four Steps For Supporting Employees With Caregiving Responsibilities – ReACT.

78Best practice in supporting carers, Carer Positive Scotland, 2016.

79Quoted in Presentation to Sixth International Caring conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, September 2015.

80Snelling, S. (2014, March 26). Caregiving is a corporate issue: Next avenue. Retrieved from http://www.nextavenue.org/caregiving-corporate-issue/

81Carers NSW 2014 Carer Survey.

82Presentation to Sixth International Caring Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, 3–6 September 2015.

83MetLife Mature Market Institute, & National Alliance for Caregiving. (2003). The MetLife Study of Sons at Work. Retrieved from www.caregiving.org

84Source: Euro-carers. European association working for carers, We care – Do you? Balancing work and care – An employer’s guide (p. 8).

85ReACT Employer resources: http://www.aarp.org/react/info-09-2013/react-johnshopkins-case-study.html

86Speech at 6th International Carers Conference, Gothenburg, 4 September 2015 as recorded by author.

87Anne-Marie Slaughter. Unfinished Business. p. 207.

88ReACT Employer resources. Retrieved from http://www.aarp.org/react/info-09-2013/react-johnsonjohnson-case-study.html

89Speech at 6th International Carers Conference, Gothenburg, 4 September 4 2015 as recorded by author.

90 Based on interview on 7 October 2015, further meeting on 19 October 2016 and e-mail exchanges 2016–2017.

91Sourced from Melville-Ross, J., Two for Joy 2016; various newspaper articles at the time of book publication; Melville-Ross article for International Business Times; and author interview on 20 January 2017.

92Interview with Tim Fallowfield, 24 August 2016.

93Based on published sources and see the TED talk with Steve Shirley filmed March 2015 (http://www.steveshirley.com/about/)

94Collins & Porras, Built to Last, 1994.

95 http://www.bitcni.org.uk/news/business-in-the-community-launches-employee-passport/

96Work & Care: The Necessary Investment: Combining Work and Care, The business case for carer-friendly workplaces -Report No. 2 Work & Care Initiative, Carers Australia, 2014.

97Quoted in Brufal, T. (December 2016). If you were a carer, what support would your organisation offer you? Forward Institute.

98Kumar, V., & Pansari, A. (2015). Measuring the benefits of employee engagement. MIT Sloan Management Review, 56(4), 67–72. http://www.topemployersforworkingfamilies.org.uk/index.php/special-awards/case/west-dunbartonshire-council

99 http://www.mitsubishicorp.com/jp/en/about/resource/diversity.html

100 http://www.mitsubishicorp.com/jp/en/about/resource/diversity.html

101Interview with Neville Hounsome Group, HR Director and Sarah Bissell Head of Reward, Hyde Housing, 21 March 2016.

102Bowness, S. (2015, August 18). The future of work: Why employers are caring for the caregivers, The Globe and Mail, August 18, 2015.

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105Based on author interview and e-mail exchanges with Westpac 2016–2017.

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114Author interview with Frank Nigriello 19 July 2016 and subsequent e-mail exchange 2016–2017.

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116Author interviews with Susan Scott-Parker on 4 February 2016 and 18 January 2017 and e-mail exchanges 2016–2017.

117Age UK, & Carers UK. (July 2016). Walking the tightrope: The challenges of combining work and care in later life.

118Presentation, Carer Positive, Glasgow, February 2016.

119Author interview.

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121Interview with Keith Edwards April 2015 and subsequent e-mail exchanges.

122Presentation to Employers for Carers Networking event October 2016 and e-mail exchanges 2016.

123 Disabled Employee Networks: A practical guide., Kate Nash Associates. 2015.

124Quoted in Brufal, T., (December 2016). ‘If you were a carer, what support would your organisation offer you?’ Forward Institute.

125Author e-mail exchange August 2015.

126 http://www.carerpositive.org/

127Author interview on 31 July 2015 and follow-up e-mail exchange January 2017.

128Carers UK case-study.

129 http://www.responsible100.com/

130See more at: http://www.aarpinternational.org/resource-library/resources/grosser-cleaning-and-care-services-2014-aarp-best-employer-international-award-recipient#sthash.O6mxdPn2.dpuf

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133EU Commission Communication on CSR (October 2011). Retrieved from http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/policies/sustainable-business/files/csr/new-csr/act_en.pdf. Accessed on April 2017.

134Ainsbury, R., & Grayson, D. (2014). Business critical: Understanding a company’s current and desired stages of corporate responsibility maturity, Doughty Centre for Corporate Responsibility Occasional Paper.

135The Evolution of the Desk (1980–2014). An initiative borne out of the Harvard Innovation Laboratory. The goal is to illustrate the impact that technology has had on our lives over the last 35 years. A cluttered desk, complete with a rolodex, a file cabinet, and a fax machine, transforms into a much cleaner, simpler surface consisting of only a laptop and a mobile phone. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6PzTUDfxc0. Accessed on April 2017.

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147When WORK and CAREGIVING Collide: How Employers Can Support Their Employees Who Are Caregivers.

148Supporting Working Carers: The Benefits to Families, Business and the Economy 2013.

149Supporting Working Carers: The Benefits to Families, Business and the Economy 2013.

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151 https://www.employersforcarers.org/about-us/efc-umbrella-membership

152Tearle, S. (2016 May 11). West Sussex County Council speaking at State of Caring Conference, London.

153Grayson, D., Nelson, J. Corporate Responsibility Coalitions: The Past, Present and Future of Alliances for Sustainable Capitalism Sheffield: Greenleaf Publishing; 2013.

154 http://www.carersaustralia.com.au/international-conference/

155 http://www.corporateknights.com/reports/global-100/

156ReACT represents nearly 1 million employees through its membership of more than 40 companies and non-profit organizations. ReACT seeks to create a supportive business environment where the challenges faced by caregivers juggling the demands of both work and caregiving for an adult with a chronic age-related disease are understood and recognised by employers so that employees can better meet their personal and professional responsibilities. Retrieved from www.respectcaregivers.org

157 http://societyoflaterlifeadvisers.co.uk/ and conversation with SOLLA co-founder Brian Fisher, Aviva, Bristol, November 25 2016.

158‘Collaborative Commitments’ - A think-piece by Professor David Grayson, Doughty Centre for Corporate Responsibility, Cranfield School of Management, Prime Minister’s Council on Social Action (2008).

159 http://www.ndis.gov.au/

160The Economist, Pride & Prejudice, The global elite at the World Economic Forum will be getting in touch with its LGBT side, at last, January 2017.

161E-mail exchange with author January 2017.

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