Corruption: Maximizing, Socializing, Balancing, and Othering
The Handbook of Business and Corruption
ISBN: 978-1-78635-446-4, eISBN: 978-1-78635-445-7
Publication date: 29 August 2017
In this chapter, four different theorizations of corruption are presented. The first concerns the principal–agent understanding of corruption. The second explains how a person is socialized into corruption. The third builds on philosophy and posits that corruption is degeneration from an ideal, presenting a multifaceted view of different goods and their respective corruptions. The fourth is inspired by psychoanalysis and explains why corruption is often externalized and seen as a feature of other people, companies, sectors, and countries. The chapter claims that to understand corruption fully without running into simplistic analyses, one always needs to reflexively consider various perspectives, of which these four are important examples.
Lennerfors, T.T. (2017), "Corruption: Maximizing, Socializing, Balancing, and Othering", Aßländer, M.S. and Hudson, S. (Ed.) The Handbook of Business and Corruption, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 25-48.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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