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(2016), "Index", Woodside, A.G. (Ed.) Bad to Good, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 293-306.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2016 Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Accurate parsimonious configural model
, 257
“Achievement Orientation”
, 91, 92
Advocacy hypothesis construction and testing
, 43–44
Algorithm models
, 48, 213, 224–226
Boolean algebraic model
, 153–154
, 154–157
, 157
, 157
stating and testing
, 153
visualizing findings for tests of algorithms
, 157–158
Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
, 7, 183–184, 249, 252, 265
Anecdotal data
, 124
ANOVA. See Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
“Anscombe’s quartet”
, 24, 25
Antecedent ingredients
, 8
A priori analysis
, 21, 26, 45
, 34–35
, 182
, 177
configural models
, 184
empirical models
, 75
focus on building parsimonious patterns
, 233
fsQCA data analyses
, 199
insufficient but necessary
, 186
, 11, 12, 35
necessary-but-not-sufficient relationships
, 186
negation membership
, 137
, 9, 232, 256
, 170
, 60–61
, 6, 59, 69, 86–88, 151–153, 176, 183, 249, 252
screening tool
, 10
service research models
, 187
, 12, 13, 24, 42, 61, 184
, 14, 59, 68
B2B relationships. See Business–business (B2B) relationships
Bad practices, moving away from
advocacy hypothesis construction and testing
, 43–44
“Anscombe’s quartet”
, 24, 25
behavioral experiments
, 14
in business
, 4–5
cases with associations contrary to effects
, 22–24
causal path of article characteristics
, 10
, 9
complex antecedent conditions
, 16
, 15–18
configurational approaches
, 8
cross-sectional survey studies
, 29–30
dependent/outcome variable
, 42–43
failure to collecting/reporting real-life contextual data
, 40–42
, 14–15
hypothetical relationships
, 34
improving theory construction
, 2
interviewing one person per group
, 30–32
in journal manuscript submissions
, 6–7
laboratory experiments
, 40
measuring nonresponse bias
, 32–33
using median splits
, 47–48
mushy questions to measure thinking and behavior
, 40–42
net effects in regression models
, 24–26
non-significant terms in regression models
, 47
replicate findings
, 45–47
screening tool
, 10, 11
stepwise regression analysis
, 44–45
sub-disciplines of business/management
, 3
symmetric only modeling
, 34–35
symmetric statistical test
, 24
symmetric tests
, 12, 13
testing for fit validity
, 18–21
theory and analysis mismatch
, 7
useable response rates
, 32–33
verbal self-reports
, 26–29
void-treatment control group in experiments
, 35–39
Beauty salon/spa
, 184, 195, 196, 199
correlations of facets and intentions
, 204–205
expenditure levels
, 194–195, 223
, 242
service provider and customer contexts in
, 188–189
Behavioral decision making
, 130, 152
Behavioral experiments
, 14
Behavioroid measures
, 41
BI indices. See Business International (BI) indices
Boolean-based asymmetric analytics
, 183
Boolean algebra
, 8, 12, 65, 67–69, 88, 135, 153, 154, 182, 185, 210, 256, 272
Boolean algebra-based software
, 152
Business–business (B2B) relationships
, 114
content analysis
, 130–133
, 116–123
, 133–134
direct research and observing processes
, 123–127
, 127, 128
, 127–130
, 134–138
measures of associations
, 139–142
Business International (BI) indices
, 91, 92
Butterfly effect
, 252–253
, 12, 135, 154, 162–163, 210–211
field experiment
, 154
, 48, 210–211, 265, 266
index calculations
, 155–157
membership scores
, 171
statistical outliers
, 155
Case-based algorithms
, 151
Case-based modeling of B2B relationships
, 34, 114
content analysis
, 130–133
, 116–123
, 133–134
direct research and observing processes
, 123–127
, 127, 128
, 127–130
, 134–138
measures of associations
, 139–142
Case identification theory (CIT)
, 9, 10
Case study research (CSR)
, 114–116, 141
core assumptions serving as rationales for
, 117
DFA in
, 133–134
exemplar methods in B2B contexts
, 122–123
key success factors
, 121
multiple mental processes
, 120
“nonconscious” decision-making
, 119
, 118
Causal asymmetry
, 34, 62, 151, 161, 170, 181, 192, 196, 214, 217–220, 228, 233, 256
demographics-only causal asymmetry configurations
, 283
, 16–17, 72, 253, 279
, 151, 177, 283
Causal recipes
, 31, 87, 92, 98, 103, 129, 130, 135, 136, 138, 139, 155, 160–161, 269
CCT. See Consumer Culture Theory (CCT)
CDERP. See Customer-directed extra role performance (CDERP)
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
, 95
CHAID. See Chi-squared automatic interaction detection (CHAID)
Chi-squared automatic interaction detection (CHAID)
, 15
CIA. See Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
CIT. See Case identification theory (CIT)
Classic linear regression model
, 8
Cognitive consistency
, 119
Collaborative research support program (CRSP)
, 128
Comparative theory test
, 44
Competency-qualification algorithms
, 250
Complex antecedent
, 57, 185, 192, 196, 220–221, 223, 232
demographic models
, 229, 269
Complex antecedent condition
, 12–13, 15–16, 18, 23–24, 34, 42, 45, 61, 98, 100, 186, 214, 220–223, 232, 233, 235, 249, 251, 266, 268
computing scores
, 291–292
configural theory
, 253, 266
consistency and coverage
, 70, 157
, 66
models with
, 212
primary configural nature
, 189
reality and
, 176
of two or more simple conditions
, 67–71
Complex demographic configurations
, 191, 192
affecting customer evaluations of service facets
, 191–192
indicating customer evaluations of service facets
, 212–214
Complexity theory
age groups data
, 268–269
architecture of complexity
, 63–64
causal asymmetry
, 72, 192
complex antecedent conditions
, 67–71, 282
complex demographic configurations
, 191–192
complexity and customer evaluations
, 182–186
configurational theory of antecedents
, 249–262
configurations of customer service-facet evaluations
, 195–197
contrarian case analysis
, 74–75
contributions and service management practice
, 229–233
customer evaluating service facets
, 194
data analysis
, 265–268
data collection procedure
, 264–265
demographics-only causal asymmetry configurations
, 283
developing potential
, 65
discussion, limitations, and contributions
, 279
employee work-domain happiness
, 248–249, 249–262
equifinality principle
, 71–72
expenditure levels
, 194–195
, 242
“facet-specific” happiness
, 246–247
happiness, IRP, AND CDERP
, 285
high employee work-domain happiness
, 247–248
individual feature in recipe
, 73
limitations and suggestions for future research
, 233–235, 285
managers assessment of employee performance
, 248–249, 249–262
, 197, 262
modeling multiple realities
, 75–77
models for very high happiness and performance
, 269–272, 276
on-job antecedent configurations
, 280–281
qualitative comparative analysis
, 286
, 198–199
rote applications of regression analysis
, 58–62
scores for recipe
, 74
service outcomes
, 243
in service research
, 186–187
simple antecedent conditions
, 66–67, 192–194
survey instruments
, 197–198, 262–264
survey items
, 240–241
unique complex antecedent configurations
, 192
Venn diagram
, 189–191
work facet-specific scales
, 264
Complexity theory perspective (CTP)
, 61–62
Complexity theory tenets
, 8, 62, 63, 182, 185–186
in beauty and spa industry
, 189–191
thinking and testing
, 183
Complex service-facet configurations
, 196, 223
Complex service-outcome configurations
, 196, 223, 228
, 154
Configural analysis
, 12, 15, 61, 62, 150, 183, 246, 252, 284
beauty salon/spa facets
, 242
complexity and customer evaluations
, 182–186
service outcomes
, 243
service provider and customer contexts
, 188–189
survey items
, 240–241
See also Fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA); Multiple regression analysis (MRA)
Configural statement
, 98, 184–185, 251
Configural theory
, 247, 249, 253, 285
asymmetrical relationships
, 252
butterfly effect
, 252–253
competency-qualification algorithms
, 250
confirming four principles
, 283–284
, 251–252
, 253–254
independent variable
, 250–251
Configurational theory of antecedents
, 249–262
demographics to happiness-at-work, relevancy of
, 255–257
, 261–262
happiness-at-work and job performance
, 260
, 261–262
, 258
, 258–259, 264, 271–272, 276–277, 279
work facet-specifics
, 257–258
Conjunctive models
, 157
, 12, 18, 45, 69, 88, 155–156, 157, 170, 187, 223, 266
, 70, 139
, 119
in fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis
, 107
index metrics
, 211–212
, 191
, 67
, 193
for service facets
, 228
, 139
for very high IPR
, 276
Consistency index
, 87, 155, 211, 212, 266
Consumer Culture Theory (CCT)
, 28, 41, 49
Contemporary marketing practices
, 114
Content analysis
, 122, 130, 142
emic interpretations
, 131
hermeneutic interpretation
, 132
sensemaking views
, 133
, 27, 59–60, 64, 88, 89, 158, 159, 173
, 116–119, 121–123, 125–126, 127–131
, 185
, 188–189
hospitality-service employee work
, 277
, 188
, 40, 116, 142
, 41, 49
, 116
, 158
Contrarian case(s)
, 18, 22, 23, 47, 59, 61, 62, 74, 75, 183, 187, 203, 208, 222
, 62, 74–75, 183
negative and positive
, 232
, 17
Correlation and cross-tabulation findings
, 199
antecedent conditions
, 208, 210
beauty salon/spa facets and intentions
, 204–205
contrarian cases
, 203
correlations among service facets
, 203
correlations for service facet evaluations
, 203
customers’ evaluations and intentions
, 206–207
demographics with experience assessments
, 202
demographics with service facet evaluations
, 200–201
effective treatment and service quality segments
, 208
highly significant correlations
, 203
service quality and return intention segments
, 209
, 18, 29, 69, 74, 88, 98, 139, 155, 157, 266, 268
, 70, 139
complex configuration
, 212
in fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis
, 107
, 87, 211, 212, 266
Creative leap
, 124
Critical test
, 44, 134
Cross-sectional research findings
, 116
Cross-sectional survey studies
, 29–30
CRSP. See Collaborative research support program (CRSP)
CSR. See Case study research (CSR)
CTP. See Complexity theory perspective (CTP)
Customer-directed extra role performance (CDERP)
, 75, 247, 253, 261–262, 264, 268, 275–276, 285
Customer contexts
, 188–189
Customer evaluates service facets
, 194
, 195–197
Customer evaluates service facets
, 222–223
Customer membership
, 137
Customer service-facet
, 199
, 223–228
, 195–197
Data analysis
, 7, 14, 15, 24, 32, 42, 46, 178, 265
calibrated happiness scales
, 267–268
CIT to
, 9
, 265–266
Data collection
, 27, 49
, 125
, 1, 264–265
Decision making
, 59, 121, 125, 259
, 131
, 130, 152
, 119
non-programmed or semi-programmed
, 126
, 119
Decision systems analysis (DSA)
, 122, 127, 128, 133
Degrees-of-freedom analysis (DFA)
, 122, 133–134, 141
Degrees of freedom test
, 44
Demographic configurations
, 189, 192, 194, 196, 214, 220, 253, 282
, 191–192, 212
Dependent variable (DV)
, 3, 7, 47, 85–86, 88, 89, 92, 175, 176, 235, 249
“net effects” of variables
, 58, 151
DFA. See Degrees-of-freedom analysis (DFA)
Direct research and observing B2B processes
, 123
creative leap
, 124
PO data collection
, 125
, 126
, 127
DOFA. See Degrees-of-freedom analysis (DFA)
Dominant hypothesis approach
, 43, 44
“Double-blind” procedure
, 35–36
DSA. See Decision systems analysis (DSA)
DV. See Dependent variable (DV)
EDTM. See Ethnographic decision tree modeling (EDTM)
Electronic data-processing equipment
, 125
, 252
Emic interpretations
, 131
Empirical positivism statistical testing
, 159–160
Empirical positivistic analysis, findings for
, 164
statistical analysis, findings from
, 164–170
Empirical positivistic tests. See Statistical tests
Employee happiness-at-work
, 261–262
configural theory
, 249–253
configurational theory of antecedents and outcomes
, 249
demographics to happiness-at-work
, 255–257
happiness-at-work and job performance
, 260–261
happiness–performance configural theory
, 253–254
, 261–262
quality of employee performance relationship
, 284–285
work facet-specifics
, 257–260
Employee happiness-at-work, relevancy of demographics to
, 255–257
Employee work-domain happiness and managers’ assessment
, 247, 248–249
, 8, 12, 71, 151, 187, 233, 246, 252
case-based algorithms and
, 151
, 16, 34, 71–72, 251, 266, 283
tenet of complexity theory
, 12
ERP. See Extra-role performance (ERP)
Ethnographic decision process model
, 66, 129
Ethnographic decision tree modeling (EDTM)
, 122, 127, 131, 141
behavioral decision making
, 130
binary flow models
, 128
cognitive science reporting
, 129
Etic interpretations
, 131, 133
Extra-role performance (ERP)
, 261
“Facet-specific” happiness
, 246
Female headed households (FHHs)
, 128
Field experiments, triple sensemaking in
, 149
comparing benefits and limitations of methods
, 175–177
empirical positivistic analysis
, 164–170
, 170–175
, 150
, 151
stating and testing algorithm models
, 153–158
statistical modeling
, 151–152
unobtrusive field experimentation
, 158–164
Fit validity
, 62, 65, 94, 175, 235
fit and predictive validity
, 20
illusion of control
, 21
MRA models
, 19
“take-the-best” algorithm
, 19–20
testing for
, 18, 59
“Folk theory of mind”
, 29, 49
fsQCA. See Fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA)
Fuzzy-set calibration
, 210–211, 265
Fuzzy-set calibration
, 48, 210–211, 265, 266
Fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA)
, 14–15, 45, 61, 62, 83, 98, 113, 122, 134, 150, 152, 170, 231–232, 235, 265
asymmetric algorithm construction and testing
, 265
Boolean algebra-based software
, 152
, 154–155
calibration membership scores
, 171–173
causal recipe
, 138
computing consistency and coverage in
, 107
configural statements
, 98
consistency and coverage indexes
, 266
coverage index in
, 211–212
for efficiency, corruption, red tape, and GDP growth
, 103
fuzzy set scaling
, 135
fuzzy set scores for customer SOB
, 137
fuzzy truth table algorithms
, 170
isomorphic-management model
, 175
, 173
Mauro’s mechanisms
, 98
, 208
MRA vs.
, 104
predictive validity of
, 173–175
set intersection
, 136
software for
, 98
testing configural models
, 174
See also Configural analysis
Fuzzy truth table algorithms
, 170
Gatekeeper analysis
, 129
GCT. See General complexity theory (GCT)
GDP. See Gross domestic product (GDP)
General complexity theory (GCT)
, 189, 191, 192, 193, 195
Global personal care industry
, 189
GNP. See Gross national product (GNP)
Good practice(s)
, 3, 7, 17, 25–26, 32, 50
See also Bad practice(s)
Gross domestic product (GDP)
, 91, 95–100, 103–104, 110
Gross national product (GNP)
, 210
Group conflict
, 259
Hair care services industry
, 189
Happiness–performance configural theory
, 253–254
Hawthorne effect. See Measurement reactivity effect
“HC-2001 Head and Capstan Cleaner kit”
, 161–162
Hermeneutic analysis framework
, 132
Hermeneutics interpretations
, 131, 132
HFSE. See Hospitality front-line service employees (HFSE)
Highly reliable organizations (HROs)
, 72, 177
Hospitality front-line service employees (HFSE)
, 246–247
HROs. See Highly reliable organizations (HROs)
Human rational behavior
, 59–60, 150, 158
Hypothetical bias
, 40
ICRAF. See International Centre for Research on Agroforestry (ICRAF)
In-role performance (IRP)
, 75, 247, 261–262, 285
, 275–276
configural modeling associations with HFSE
, 277
configurational models for demographics and happiness
, 274
high happiness and low performance
, 276, 278
, 6, 279
very low happiness and very high
, 272–273
work facet-specific and happiness configurational models relating to
, 276–279
Index metrics for measuring consistency and coverage of complex configuration
, 211–212
Inter-group conflict
, 259
Inter-organizational conflict. See Inter-group conflict
Interest and taxes by assets (ROA)
, 42
Interest and taxes by sales (ROS)
, 42
International Centre for Research on Agroforestry (ICRAF)
, 128
Interpersonal conflict
, 259
Interpersonal conflict
, 259, 260, 264
Interpersonal relationship, quality of
, 258–259, 272
Interpersonal relationships
, 258–259
IRP. See In-role performance (IRP)
Isomorphic-management models
, 149, 150, 175
Key failure paths (KFPs)
, 121, 130
Key success factors (KSFs)
, 31, 72, 88, 89, 121, 130, 173, 176, 283
Key success paths (KSPs)
, 89, 121, 130, 173, 176, 177
Laboratory experiments
, 40
“Main effects” hypotheses
, 48
cases with associations contrary to
, 22–24
Main independent variables (MDVs)
, 47
Marketing organization theory (MOR theory)
, 114
Mauro’s “mechanisms”
, 98
MDVs. See Main independent variables (MDVs)
Measurement reactivity effect
, 36
Measures of associations
, 139
, 141–142
strategy and theory implications
, 140
Median splits
, 47–48
Mental model(s)
, 131, 132, 133, 142
Mental processes
, 26
CCT research
, 28
data collection methods
, 27
five-, six-, or seven-point scales
, 27
“Folk theory of mind”
, 29
in research on industrial marketing-buying thinking
, 120
self-generated validity
, 28–29
MOR theory. See Marketing organization theory (MOR theory)
MRA. See Multiple regression analysis (MRA)
Multiple regression analysis (MRA)
, 7, 9, 18–19, 58, 59, 61, 83, 150, 175–176, 184, 196, 249
and algorithms
, 95
analysis of joint lagged impact
, 100
BI indices
, 91
complex antecedent conditions
, 98, 100
computing consistency and coverage in fsQCA
, 107
consistency index
, 87
, 88, 97
data for country efficiency
, 101
efficiency, corruption, red tape, and GDP growth data
, 108–111
estimating relationships variables
, 94
findings from fsQCA
, 102, 103
fit to prediction validity
, 93
, 98, 104
GDP growth
, 98, 100, 103
, 47, 235
, 85
net effects symmetric tools
, 59
percentages of outstanding and typical executives
, 90
and QCA
, 178
for random samples
, 99
significant correlations
, 87
statistical tool
, 84
symmetrical and asymmetrical relationships
, 86
from symmetric tests
, 255
tenets support
, 85
, 8, 95–96
tipping points
, 90
tools-to-theory perspective
, 84
See also Configural analysis
NA. See Negative affect (NA)
National Football League (NFL)
, 66, 69
Negation membership
, 137
Negative affect (NA)
, 23
Negative contrarian case
, 182, 208, 232
“Net effect” approach
, 72, 85, 151
employee demographic variables on work performance
, 255
, 134–135
, 175–176
in regression models
, 24–26
using symmetrical testing
, 196
theory from net effects perspective
, 159–160
Network theory
, 64
NFL. See National Football League (NFL)
, 33
Nonresponse bias, measuring
, 32–33
Obtrusive field experiment
, 158–159
Organization conflict. See Group conflict
PA. See Positive affect (PA)
PANAS. See Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS)
Participant observation (PO)
, 125
Peer conflicts
, 259–260
Personal conflict
, 259
Physical work environment (PWE)
, 258, 263, 272, 276
control group
, 35, 37, 47
, 35–39
PO. See Participant observation (PO)
Positive affect (PA)
, 23
Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS)
, 22, 23
Positive contrarian case
, 182, 208, 232
Property space analysis
, 124, 191–192
PWE. See Physical work environment (PWE)
Qualitative comparative analysis (QCA)
, 8, 15, 21, 88, 164, 170, 187
See also Fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA)
Quality of interpersonal relationship (qip)
, 258–259, 264, 271–272, 276–277
, 263, 272, 279
Ratio-scale indicators
, 210
Real-life decision making. See Behavioral decision making
Recipe principle
, 16, 67
using Boolean algebra
, 68, 69
calculating consistency and coverage
, 70–71
rule of thumb
, 69
Recognition-primed decision making model (RPD model)
, 119
Rectangular relationships
, 250
necessary-but-not-sufficient relationships
, 186
Regression analysis
rote applications of
, 58–62
statistical hypothesis testing in
, 185
Regression models
net effects in
, 24–26
non-significant terms in
, 47
2 findings for
, 13
symmetric tests
, 42
See also Multiple regression analysis (MRA)
, 45–46
Return on investment (ROI)
, 198
ROA. See Interest and taxes by assets (ROA)
ROI. See Return on investment (ROI)
ROS. See Interest and taxes by sales (ROS)
RPD model. See Recognition-primed decision making model (RPD model)
Rule of thumb
, 21, 69, 74
SAIM. See Statistical, algorithm, isomorphic-management modeling (SAIM)
SBs. See Sentiments and beliefs (SBs)
SDL. See Service dominant logic (SDL)
SEM. See Structural equation modeling (SEM)
Senior decision-maker
, 116
, 126–127, 129, 131, 132
hermeneutic interpretation
, 132
See also Field experiments, triple sensemaking in
Sentiments and beliefs (SBs)
, 121
Service dominant logic (SDL)
, 182
beauty salon/spa facets
, 242
complexity and customer evaluations
, 182–186
service outcomes
, 243
service provider and customer contexts
, 188–189
survey items
, 240–241
Service provider and customer contexts
, 188–189
Service research contexts
, 191, 233
, 34, 35
, 139
, 155
, 157
Set intersection
, 136
Set theory
, 135, 153
7-point Likert scales
, 262
Simple antecedent
, 66–67, 157, 192–194, 221, 222, 266, 268, 292
service facets
, 196, 223
Simple service-facet antecedent conditions
, 223
Simple service-outcome antecedents
, 197
, 196–197
Society of Applied Anthropology
, 28
SPI. See Subjective personal introspections (SPI)
Sponsor identity bias
, 33
SPSS. See Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS)
Statistical, algorithm, isomorphic-management modeling (SAIM)
, 151, 173–174
Statistical analysis
, 164, 166
effects of price and purchase pal
, 166
multiple regression models predicting purchase
, 167
predictive validity
, 166, 170
profit models
, 169
purchase models
, 168
unit sales
, 165
Statistical hypothesis testing
, 68, 155, 185, 191
Statistical modeling
, 149, 151, 160
Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS)
, 211
Statistical tests
, 33, 133, 134, 141, 149, 228–229, 252, 284
Stepwise regression analysis
, 44–45
Structural equation modeling (SEM)
, 6, 7, 21, 58, 59, 84, 249, 252
Subjective personal introspections (SPI)
, 30, 60
Survey instruments
, 197–198, 262–264
SVH. See Symmetrical variable hypotheses (SVH)
, 12
, 182
, 12
necessary-but-not-sufficient relationships
, 186
net effects
, 9
only modeling
, 34–35
, 9
, 60–61
, 75, 86–88, 151–152, 186–187, 202, 250, 269
search algorithm
, 45
statistical test
, 24
, 14
, 59, 170
Symmetric-based theories
, 232
Symmetrical tests
, 2, 7–8, 12–14, 24, 58, 61, 199, 203, 232
beauty/spa expenditure levels
, 223
, 210–211
causal asymmetry occurs
, 214, 217–220
complex demographic configurations
, 212–214
configurations of customer service-facet
, 223–228
correlation and cross-tabulation findings
, 199–210
customer evaluates service facets
, 222–223
index metrics
, 211–212
simple antecedent conditions
, 221–222
support for demographic algorithms
, 229
unique complex antecedent configurations
, 220–221
XY plot for high consistency
, 228–229
Symmetrical variable hypotheses (SVH)
, 7
Symmetric only modeling
, 34–35
Symmetric quintiles vs. asymmetric quintiles
, 60–61
Symmetric statistical test
, 24
“Take-the-best” algorithm
, 19–20, 93
, 260, 263
Tipping points
, 15, 63, 89–90, 187, 250–251
Tools-to-theory perspective
, 84
“True experiment”
, 35, 36, 39, 41, 47, 49, 253
“Truth table”
, 191–192
Unique complex antecedent configurations
, 192, 220–221
Unique configurations of service facets
, 223
, 196, 228
Unobtrusive field experimentation
, 152, 158, 161
, 162–163
, 163–164
“HC-2001 Head and Capstan Cleaner kit”
, 161–162
predictive validity of data
, 164
theory from causal recipe perspective
, 160–161
theory from net effects perspective
, 159–160
Useable response rates
, 32–33, 59
Variable-focused only modeling. See Symmetric only modeling
Variable-level analysis
, 18
Venn diagrams
, 76, 189, 195, 233, 253, 257
Verbal self-reports
, 26
CCT research
, 28
data collection methods
, 27
five-, six-, or seven-point scales
, 27
“Folk theory of mind”
, 29
self-generated validity
, 28–29
Void-treatment control group in experiments
, 35
“double-blind” procedure
, 35–36
in field and laboratory experiments
, 37
marketing field experiments
, 38
placebo treatment
, 37–38
random assignment
, 36
test treatment
, 35
true experiment
, 35, 39
Work facet-specific(s)
, 257
configurations for very high and very low happiness
, 279
and happiness configurational models relating to negation of IRP
, 276–279
peer conflicts
, 259–260
, 258
quality of interpersonal relationships
, 258–259
, 264
, 260
Work facet-specific antecedents
, 257–258, 260
Writing quality
, 9, 13–14
- Prelims
- Chapter 1 Moving away from Bad Practices in Research toward Constructing Useful Theory and Doing Useful Research
- Chapter 2 Embrace Complexity Theory, Perform Contrarian Case Analysis, and Model Multiple Realities
- Chapter 3 Moving beyond Multiple Regression Analysis and Symmetric Tests to Algorithms and Asymmetric Tests
- Chapter 4 Case-Based Modelling of Business–Business Relationships
- Chapter 5 Performing Triple Sensemaking in Field Experiments
- Chapter 6 Complexity Theory, Configural Analysis, and Deepening the Service Dominant Logic
- Chapter 7 Complexity Theory and Human Resources Management: Transcending Variable and Case-Based Perspectives of Service Employees' (Un)Happiness and Work Performance
- Index