The Strategically Networked Organization
ISBN: 978-1-78635-292-7, eISBN: 978-1-78635-291-0
Publication date: 26 November 2016
Lehtimäki, H. (2016), "Prelims", The Strategically Networked Organization, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-vii.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2017 Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Half Title Page
Leveraging Social Networks to Improve Organizational Performance
Title Page
Leveraging Social Networks to Improve Organizational Performance
University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland
United Kingdom – North America – Japan India – Malaysia – China
Copyright Page
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK
First edition 2017
Copyright © 2017 Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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ISBN: 978-1-78635-292-7 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-78635-291-0 (Online)
There are several people and institutions who have been important in completing this book. First, I wish to thank Katja Karintaus at the University of Tampere for project management and collaboration in conducting the empirical study with the four case companies. I also wish to thank Johanna Kujala at the University of Tampere and Tojo Thatchenkery at the George Mason University for collaboration in conducting the appreciative organizational renewal project that is one of the examples presented in this book.
I am grateful for the four case companies which have provided open access to their organizations and engaged in rethinking how relations and networks within the organization are strategically important. Also, I thank the Finnish Fund for Technology and Innovation, the Fulbright Center, and the Finnish Funding Agency for Economic Education for financial support for conducting the case studies and writing the book.
I wish to extend my sincere gratitude to Guiseppe Labianca at the University of Kentucky for insightful and helpful comments on the manuscript. Also, my editor, John Stuart at Emerald Publishing, thank you for your firm guidance through the writing process.
Students and colleagues at the University of Eastern Finland and at the University of Tampere, thank you for your continuous support and inspiration.
I dedicate this book to my family. Thank you Risto, Inka, and Aku for your compassion and love.
- Prelims
- 1 Introduction
- 2 How is Organization Strategic?
- 3 Social Network Analysis for Strategically Networked Organization
- 4 Social Structure in Strategizing
- 5 Social Relations
- 6 Social Interaction and Strategic Transformation
- 7 Social Networks in Strategy Making
- 8 Guidelines for Networked Strategy Making
- References
- Index