The Role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Marketing Tourism Experiences
The Handbook of Managing and Marketing Tourism Experiences
ISBN: 978-1-78635-290-3, eISBN: 978-1-78635-289-7
Publication date: 28 December 2016
To analyze and discuss the role of ICTs and the emerging trends and issues in marketing tourism experiences.
Previous conceptual frameworks are reviewed and key issues and trends are identified as central for ICT-based tourism marketing. Case studies are presented to illustrate how the marketing issues could be translated into practical tourism marketing strategies.
(1) Based on the literature, a conceptual model that outlines a technology-empowered marketing approach for co-created tourism experiences is presented. (2) The identified key trends in marketing tourism experiences include the changing overall role of marketers, a growth in mobile marketing opportunities, the emergence of smart destinations and their varied implications for marketing. (3) The case studies show the integrated and strategic role of social media platforms, hashtags, photography, location-based geofilters, augmented reality and videography in marketing tourism experiences.
This chapter conceptually outlines the technology-empowered tourism marketing approach and the role of marketers and various other players in tourism experience co-creation. The case studies provide practical implications for ICT-based tourism marketing.
Yoo, K.-H. and Gretzel, U. (2016), "The Role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Marketing Tourism Experiences", Sotiriadis, M. and Gursoy, D. (Ed.) The Handbook of Managing and Marketing Tourism Experiences, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 409-428.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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