Application of Competency-Based Learning to Entrepreneurship Education: Integrating Curricular and Cocurricular Elements to Enhance Discipline Mastery
Integrating Curricular and Co-Curricular Endeavors to Enhance Student Outcomes
ISBN: 978-1-78635-064-0, eISBN: 978-1-78635-063-3
Publication date: 22 December 2016
Entrepreneurship is one of the fastest growing disciplines at colleges and universities today. Programs span campuses offering traditional coursework and a variety of experiential learning options for students from all majors. While most agree that as much learning, if not more, occurs outside of the classroom, there has not been a model for integrating curricular and cocurricular components in entrepreneurship programs. Moreover, there has not been clear agreement on how to assess value from these programs.
To resolve this, we used a five-phase competency development process to create a customized learning model that engages the learner, the educator, and the community volunteer in the learning and assessment process at both the individual and program levels. This chapter presents a case study in a private, metropolitan university of 8200 students. The case study presents the problem and rationale, a history and overview of the application of competency-based education, and a five-stage process used to develop the model and apply the model to achieve a customized learning path for students in entrepreneurship.
The five-stage model of competency-based education can be applied to develop a customized learning approach and assessment path for students who study entrepreneurship. The use of a technology support platform can extend and simplify the use of this model and allow for the integration of curricular and cocurricular components of an experiential education.
This is a unique approach to integrating curricular and cocurricular education to provide a holistic experiential education for learners. The value of this program extends to faculty who assess learning and volunteers who participate in the learning experience. Specific attention is given to the challenges and process for curriculum mapping and the use of this model for assessment.
White, R.J. and Moore, K. (2016), "Application of Competency-Based Learning to Entrepreneurship Education: Integrating Curricular and Cocurricular Elements to Enhance Discipline Mastery", Wankel, L.A. and Wankel, C. (Ed.) Integrating Curricular and Co-Curricular Endeavors to Enhance Student Outcomes, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 99-118.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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