BioScience Argentina: BioMobile and the telemedicine market
Publication date: 1 July 2011
BioScience Argentina: BioMobile and the telemedicine market.
Subject area – Marketing and strategic decision making. Study level/applicability – Undergraduate business and management programmes, particularly with advanced marketing modules; and MBA programmes incorporating strategic management. Case overview – Claudio Bedoya, founder of BioScience (BS) and CEO has decided to launch a new product line, BioMobile (BM), to enter the new telemedicine market. BS is an Argentine company, which develops and commercializes innovative diagnosis equipments since 1995. The BM is a device which sends vital signals (from a patient with a chronic disease) through the mobile phone to a recipient's cell phone (doctor and/or relative).Three market segments, the alternative value propositions and the suggested go-to-markets for each of them are suggested. A debate between Antonio, Claudio's partner and Ydavelis, the marketing manager, highlights the underlying disagreement on which segment to serve and on the choice of value proposition. Expected learning outcomes – The case has been written having a senior classroom in mind. The case works best when used towards the end of the course, as it allows integrating all the concepts discussed in the course as such it assumes that participants have acquired basic concepts of strategic management and marketing management. Thus, it is not in the scope of the case to introduce any new theoretical concepts and no specific reading material is assigned to it:
To apply prior knowledge to an emerging economy setting:
For example: the SWOT analysis, the identification of critical success factors (CSF) for each alternative, segmentation, pricing, or the new product adoption curves.
To calculate the projected revenues with limited data.
To foster critical thinking about a company's strategic planning. Specifically, to be able to identify the underlying business decision: BS needs to decide whether to focus on the B2B/B2C market.
Critically think on the differences between B2B and B2C business models.
Pels, J., Schurmann, N. and Garcia, M.C. (2011), "BioScience Argentina: BioMobile and the telemedicine market", , Vol. 1 No. 3.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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