Addressing the needs of older people with co‐morbid alcohol and mental health disorders: a case series from a London Community Mental Health Team (CMHT)
Despite older adult community mental health team (CMHT) workers inevitably encountering service users with alcohol use disorders (AUDs), they have a limited evidence base for working with this group. This paper aims to argue against a wholesale transfer of knowledge and practices from working age adults with dual diagnosis to the older age group.
The paper aims to address the scant attention given to the needs of older service users with a dual diagnosis by detailing the progress of four older adult service users with AUDs in a CMHT.
This case study series illuminates some of the clinical and professional dilemmas and challenges encountered when working with this group. Suggestions of how to respond to some of these challenges are provided by focussing on aspects of identification, assessment and treatment.
This paper provides a catalyst to further discussion, debate and publications on the issue of older people misusing alcohol by presenting and reflecting on the issues raised by four practice vignettes.
Andrews, T., Reddy, L. and Whelan, P. (2011), "Addressing the needs of older people with co‐morbid alcohol and mental health disorders: a case series from a London Community Mental Health Team (CMHT)", Advances in Dual Diagnosis, Vol. 4 No. 1, pp. 8-16.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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