Integrating e‐learning in real estate education: the iLearn and ULearn case studies
The purpose of this paper is to provide two contrasting case studies of the integration and application of e‐learning in real estate education.
The two cases presented in this paper provide good practical illustrations of the integration of e‐learning practice into real estate education. The first examines integration at the programme level through the use of iLearn as a mechanism for personal development planning (PDP). The second examines the use of a technologically enhanced learning and teaching environment at the level of an individual module.
Both case studies report some degree of success in achieving specific learning objectives using e‐learning techniques. With respect to PDP, it is too early to fully evaluate the exact contribution of iLearn. The evidence from the second case study suggests that use of a technologically enhanced class room set‐up to solve simulated cases in the context of a real finance and investment module, facilitates creative learning, promotes team work and increases interaction within and across the participant group.
The paper provides insights into current best practice in the use of e‐learning techniques in real estate education as a mechanism for enhancing the teaching and learning experience.
Doak, J. and Khan, O.S.M. (2009), "Integrating e‐learning in real estate education: the iLearn and ULearn case studies", Journal of European Real Estate Research, Vol. 2 No. 3, pp. 294-307.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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