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Recruitment and retention of ICT skills among MNCs in Taiwan

Mei‐chi Hu (Graduate Institute of Management of Technology, Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan, Republic of China)
Connie Zheng (Faculty of Business and Informatics, School of Management and Information Systems, Central Queensland University, Rockhampton, Australia)
David Lamond (Economics and Management School, Wuhan University, Wuhan, People's Republic of China)

Chinese Management Studies

ISSN: 1750-614X

Article publication date: 24 April 2007




The existing research on multinational companies (MNCs) tends to emphasise the diffusion of knowledge and skills in information, communication and technology (ICT) from the more advanced industrialised nations to less‐developed or latecomer countries. Few studies have examined the ICT work force supply and development of local ICT skills among MNCs' overseas subsidiaries. This paper aims to fill the gap by evaluating the issues relating to the host country's ICT work force planning and supply and the recruitment and retention of ICT skills among MNCs at their local subsidiary.


A survey of 100 MNCs in Taiwan, Republic of China was used for analysis. The self‐administered questionnaire was designed to examine the extent of difficulty experienced by MNCs in recruiting high, medium and low levels of ICT skills in the manufacturing and service sector. Attrition rate of the ICT skilled workers in Taiwan was also examined.


The results suggest some degree of ICT skill deficiency at the firm level, despite many efforts attempted by the Taiwanese government to develop and supply ICT skills at the national level. A gap between national advancement in technology and firm level of skills deficiency exists. These findings lead to consideration of a better alignment in providing local government support programs to meet MNCs specific skill requirements.


The study provides some insights especially for the emerging economy of China, which tends to heavily impose government intervention in developing strategic industries.



Hu, M., Zheng, C. and Lamond, D. (2007), "Recruitment and retention of ICT skills among MNCs in Taiwan", Chinese Management Studies, Vol. 1 No. 2, pp. 78-92.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2007, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

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