A survey of distance‐based wireless sensor network localization techniques
International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications
ISSN: 1742-7371
Article publication date: 22 June 2012
Localization is a fundamental problem in wireless sensor networks. In many applications, sensor location information is critical for data processing and meaning. While the global positioning system (GPS) can be used to determine mote locations with meter precision, the high hardware cost and energy requirements of GPS receivers often prohibit the ubiquitous use of GPS for location estimates. This high cost (in terms of hardware price and energy consumption) of GPS has motivated researchers to develop localization protocols that determine mote locations based on cheap hardware and localization algorithms. The purpose of this paper is to present a comprehensive review of wireless sensor network localization techniques, and provide a detailed overview for several distance‐based localization algorithms.
To provide a detailed summary of wireless sensor network localization algorithms, the authors outline a tiered classification system in which they first classify algorithms as distributed, distributed‐centralized, or centralized. From this broad classification, the paper then further categorizes localization algorithms using their protocol techniques. By utilizing this classification system, the authors are able to provide a survey of several wireless sensor network localization algorithms and summarize relative algorithm performance based on the algorithms' classification.
There are numerous localization algorithms available and the performance of these algorithms is dependent on network configuration, environmental variables, and the ranging method implemented. When selecting a localization algorithm, it is important to understand basic algorithm operation and expected performance. This tier‐based algorithm classification system can be used to gain a high‐level understanding of algorithm performance and energy consumption based on known algorithm characteristics.
Localization is a widely researched field and given the quantity of localization algorithms that currently exist, it is impossible to present a complete review of every published algorithm. Instead, the paper presents a holistic view of the current state of localization research and a detailed review of ten representative distance‐based algorithms that have diverse characteristics and methods. This review presents a new classification structure that may help researchers understand, at a high‐level, the expected performance and energy consumption of algorithms not explicitly addressed by our work.
Stone, K. and Camp, T. (2012), "A survey of distance‐based wireless sensor network localization techniques", International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications, Vol. 8 No. 2, pp. 158-183. https://doi.org/10.1108/17427371211245373
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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