Inquiry‐based learning case studies for Computing and Computing Forensic students
The purpose of this paper is to describe and discuss the use of specifically‐developed, inquiry‐based learning materials for Computing and Forensic Computing students. Small applications have been developed which require investigation in order to de‐bug code, analyse data issues and discover “illegal” behaviour. The applications are based around industry case studies and are functioning systems. They have been designed with a view to supporting the teaching, learning and assessment within the database curriculum at Leeds Metropolitan University. The students are required to use investigative methods to discover and address the issues. Additionally, the exercises are intended to give experience of industrial work such as evaluation, testing and de‐bugging of software.
The applications were designed and developed by final year Computing students as part of their final year project. They were required to identify appropriate methodologies and techniques. The team “adopted”, developed and further evaluated the applications with a view to using them in teaching.
The initial feedback is that students like the exercises; they initially may not realize there is anything “wrong” with the applications and enjoy discovery of issues. The exercises have raised their awareness of data quality, data integrity and improved their confidence to question results from reports and queries.
The intention is to build a “bank” of learning objects which mimic real computing and computing‐forensic tasks.
Campbell, J. (2012), "Inquiry‐based learning case studies for Computing and Computing Forensic students", Interactive Technology and Smart Education, Vol. 9 No. 1, pp. 4-15.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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