Micro‐enterprise:: Community assets helping to deliver health and well‐being and tackle health inequalities
This paper seeks to explore the potential of micro‐enterprises to assist local health and well‐being boards in delivering their strategies, especially in relation to tackling health inequalities, prevention and community support.
This paper draws on experience gained by Community Catalysts from its work supporting social care and health micro‐enterprise across the UK. There has been little formal research into social care and health micro‐enterprise and so the paper relies heavily on data gathered by Community Catalysts in the course of its work and uses local case studies to illustrate points.
The paper explains the importance of social care and health micro‐enterprise to the work of health and well being boards, emphasising its potential to help tackle health inequalities and contribute to effective health and well‐being strategies.
There are no examples as yet of imaginative health and well‐being boards engaging effectively with micro‐providers, but boards can draw on learning from local authorities actively stimulating and supporting local micro‐enterprise.
Lockwood, S. (2013), "Micro‐enterprise:: Community assets helping to deliver health and well‐being and tackle health inequalities", Journal of Integrated Care, Vol. 21 No. 1, pp. 26-33. https://doi.org/10.1108/14769011311305558
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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