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Finding out: a system for providing rapid and reliable answers to questions in the construction sector

Jean‐Marc Robert (Polytechnic School of Montreal, Department of Mathematics and Industrial Engineering, Montreal, Quebec, Canada)
Lucie Moulet (Polytechnic School of Montreal, Department of Mathematics and Industrial Engineering, Montreal, Quebec, Canada)
Gonzalo Lizarralde (School of Architecture,University of Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada)
Colin H. Davidson (School of Architecture,University of Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada)
Jian‐Yun Nie (Department of Computer Science andOperations Research, University of Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada)
Lyne da Sylva (School of Library and Information Science, University of Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada)

Construction Innovation

ISSN: 1471-4175

Article publication date: 1 December 2006



The construction sector is notorious for the dichotomy between its intensive use of information in its decision‐making processes and its limited access to, and insufficient use of, the pertinent information that is potentially available, e.g. on the internet. This paper seeks to examine this issue. To solve this problem (the ‘problem of information aboutinformation’), a multidisciplinary team developed an online question‐answering (Q.‐A.)system that uses natural language for the query and the reply. The system provides a direct answer to questions posed by building industry participants, instead of providing a list of references (as is the case with most online information retrieval systems), much as if onewere asking a question of, and receiving a response from, an expert.It has the capabilitiesto process questions in natural language, to find appropriate fragments of answers indifferent web sites and to condense them into a paragraph, also written in natural language. The main features of the system are that it uses domain‐specific knowledge (in the form ofa hierarchical specialized thesaurus complemented by terms of fieldwork parlance),semantic categorization, a database of filtered and indexed web sites, and an online interface that is adapted to different profiles of actors in the construction sector. The testing process shows that the system goes beyond the lists of references and links provided by traditional search engines on the web.The Q.‐A.system already gives 70% of satisfactory answers. The Q.‐A.system can be applied to other business domains apart from information retrieval and decision‐making in the building sector. It is also possible to apply it to the exploitation of in‐house knowledge management database.



Robert, J., Moulet, L., Lizarralde, G., Davidson, C.H., Nie, J. and da Sylva, L. (2006), "Finding out: a system for providing rapid and reliable answers to questions in the construction sector", Construction Innovation, Vol. 6 No. 4, pp. 250-261.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2006, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

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