A content analysis of university library Web sites in English speaking countries
In a study of university library Web sites in four English speaking countries (Australia, Canada, the UK and the USA), the visual display of information was found to be similar across all countries. However, there were some differences in the content supplied. All of the 150 library Web sites examined provided access to their own catalogue and some databases. Most also provided access to other library catalogues, a description of services and an update date. There was much less information provided on instructional material and remote access, and there were discrepancies in the availability of encyclopaedias, request forms and pathfinders.
Still, J.M. (2001), "A content analysis of university library Web sites in English speaking countries", Online Information Review, Vol. 25 No. 3, pp. 160-165. https://doi.org/10.1108/14684520110395281
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