A few countries measure impact and outcomes – most would like to measure at least something
The paper discusses theoretical and practical approaches to the problems of assessing library performance and especially of measuring outcomes in the developing world, i.e. the impact and value of the library services for their users and society as a whole. The importance of a systematic evaluation of a library’s activities and the use of modern management methods and tools is emphasized. The need for an appropriate management information system as one of the key elements for the library decision‐making process is demonstrated. The need to enable libraries in developing countries to implement national systems of library statistics is demonstrated. To do this it is important to educate the librarians to collect and use data effectively, to enable them to be able to make the transition from measuring inputs to measuring outputs, and to understand the possible methods and importance of measuring library outcomes.
Ambro˘zič, M. (2003), "A few countries measure impact and outcomes – most would like to measure at least something", Performance Measurement and Metrics, Vol. 4 No. 2, pp. 64-78. https://doi.org/10.1108/14678040310486909
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