Special considerations for designing pilot REITs in China
The purpose of this paper is to propose advice on the design of pilot real estate investment trusts (REITs) and the future development of a REITs market in China.
This study presents a qualitative analysis on unique attributes of the Chinese market. Taking those attributes into account, it goes onto offer suggestions and ideas on how China can most successfully kick off its REITs industry.
The paper finds that REITs offer developers an alternative, less risky way to raise money. They would also provide owners with an exit strategy. REITs implementation should be a two‐stage process. Pilot REITs should be made available to institutional investors first and later to retail investors. Most importantly, current legislation and taxes do not provide an environment conducive to REITs. The paper also finds that it is presently a favorable market environment under which to launch REITs, owing to pent up demand for REITs amongst investors.
Practical implications
The greatest practical implications of this study are the suggestions offered in terms of what Chinese pilot and long‐term REITs should look like. Pilot REITs can be implemented using special regulations. For post‐pilot REITs, currently existing Chinese trust schemes and special asset management plans offer possible, but problematic, frameworks. Perhaps more promising is the possibility of legislation modeled after China's current securities fund law. This paper implies that new regulations and laws are needed before REITs can be launched in China, as well as gives advice as to what those laws should look like.
Research limitations/implications
There are no REITs yet in China, so a trenchant quantitative study is impossible. This paper is a preliminary work to be followed by a quantitative analysis once China REITs have been operating for long enough to offer sufficient data.
This is one of the only papers examining China pilot REITs in the context of China's economic, legal, and tax environment. It takes previous studies a step further by offering specific legal, regulatory, and tax frameworks that would aid the development of China REITs.
Wang, H., Sun, Y. and Chen, Y. (2009), "Special considerations for designing pilot REITs in China", Journal of Property Investment & Finance, Vol. 27 No. 2, pp. 140-161. https://doi.org/10.1108/14635780910937845
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2009, Emerald Group Publishing Limited