I'll do it my way
Providers and service users associated with supported housing are increasingly using tools to measure outcomes against targets with indicators that equate change with progress. This article reports and reflects on a small research project undertaken by London South Bank University for Carr Gomm, using the World Health Organisation's Quality of Life Application Model to assess outcomes of support in relation to person‐centred planning, the chosen principled support approach adopted by Carr Gomm. The evaluation is based on a small number of case studies which serve to prompt providers and commissioners of supported housing to ask what constitutes quality of life from the client's perspective, and how in turn this challenges the priorities inherent in the supported housing service.
Vickery, L. (2007), "I'll do it my way", Housing, Care and Support, Vol. 10 No. 1, pp. 12-17. https://doi.org/10.1108/14608790200700003
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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