Benchmarking the e‐government bulldozer: beyond measuring the tread marks
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the role of international benchmarking studies as drivers for e‐government development.
The paper shows that after reviewing 44 published e‐government benchmarking reports (2000‐2006) and evaluating their validity and acceptance in academic and practitioners' literature, the paper systematically compares and contrasts ten established international e‐government benchmarking methodologies. The comparative analysis is conducted utilizing a proposed conceptual framework (CMBP), which specifically assesses the context, methodology, type of benchmarking and social paradigmatic tendency of each of the reports studied.
The paper finds that regardless of the methodology adopted‐international e‐government benchmarking does have an imperative role in driving e‐government development, only when the exercise is accompanied with a long‐term iterative adaptation and reform mechanism.
The framework proposed in this paper provides public administrators with a valuable conceptual lens for understanding the value of each benchmarking study to better assess its applicability in driving development of their e‐government initiative. The paper also contributes to the limited body of academic literature investigating e‐government benchmarking and proposes a methodical framework for understanding the role of international benchmarking reports in e‐government development.
Salem, F. (2007), "Benchmarking the e‐government bulldozer: beyond measuring the tread marks", Measuring Business Excellence, Vol. 11 No. 4, pp. 9-22.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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