Communication and loyalty among knowledge workers: a resource of the firm theory view
The traditional methods of managing human capital, creativity, innovation, and the learning culture within an organization have long over‐shadowed the management of the professional intellect. As with the resource based view (RVB) of the firm, the intangible strategic intelligence creates most of the professional intellect of an organization, and operates on the following four levels (in increasing importance): cognitive knowledge or basic mastery of a professional discipline; advanced skills or the ability to translate theory into effective execution or practice; systems understanding or the deep knowledge of the cause and effect relationships underlying the professional discipline; and self‐motivated creativity or the motivation and adaptability for success. The interaction of these factors, along with enhanced communications, allow nurturing organizations the ability to thrive in the face of today’s rapid changes and renew their cognitive knowledge, especially where it increases the loyalty of knowledge workers.
Smith, A.D. and Rupp, W.T. (2002), "Communication and loyalty among knowledge workers: a resource of the firm theory view", Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 6 No. 3, pp. 250-261.
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