“Oops, the future is past and we almost missed it!” – Integrating quality and behavioral management methodologies
The most important theoretical framework that has been added to quality management in the past ten years comes to life in this important discussion of behavioral management. A large percentage of most processes consist of human behavior at least at the design level of the process. This paper will focus on behavioral management as the foundation for understanding the entire work process. The evolution of human behavior lies at the heart of this very specific and practical methodology. This methodology ensures ongoing customer satisfaction through performance measurement, building trusting relationships, the ongoing evaluation of the effectiveness of those relationships, and internal and external reinforcement systems that sustain the relationships for mutual long‐term profitability. Managers that do not have these behaviorally and scientifically oriented performance management skills in their “toolbox” cannot optimize the entire process.
Patton, F. (1999), "“Oops, the future is past and we almost missed it!” – Integrating quality and behavioral management methodologies", Journal of Workplace Learning, Vol. 11 No. 7, pp. 266-277. https://doi.org/10.1108/13665629910291947
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