How to discipline a thief who stole for fellow employees
From an international perspective, presents an interesting problem about discipline, as it discusses the appropriate discipline for a group of employees who confessed to stealing food ‐ cooking oil and a special mix of flour ‐ donated by the US Government for distribution to the poor of the Third World. The expatriate manager is wondering just how severe he should be, given the circumstances where the relatively poor employees felt it was acceptable for them to receive the free food. The young woman who distributed the food to the poor also distributed it surreptitiously to her fellow employees. A complicating factor is that she was noticeably pregnant at the time which entitled her to special protection under Colombian labour law from arbitrary dismissal.
Osland, A. (1997), "How to discipline a thief who stole for fellow employees", Journal of Workplace Learning, Vol. 9 No. 2, pp. 56-60.
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