Realigning international careers ‐ a more strategic focus
Presents a model of strategic international career management. Argues that while existing career models assist in providing a strategic focus to organizational career management, in that they match career practice with business strategy, they essentially fail to recognize the inherent differences that exist in international career moves vis‐à‐vis more traditional domestic career mobility. As there are significant differences in work role transition when an international career move takes place, there has been a failure to recognize that international career moves are, as has been suggested elsewhere, transitional, discontinuous, recursionary and stage‐interdependent in nature. Stresses the centrality of these career considerations, inherent in international career mobility and generally missing from existing career models to the development of the strategic international career management model advanced.
Fish, A. and Wood, J. (1997), "Realigning international careers ‐ a more strategic focus", Career Development International, Vol. 2 No. 2, pp. 99-110.
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