Occupational attainment through Lebanon’s higher education: using individual, societal, structural and gender factors as predictors
This study sought to analyze university graduate job attainment in Lebanon through an individualist, societal and structuralist perspectives. Differences appeared between females and males on factors that predicted occupational attainment. In concert with neo‐patriarchal discourse increased occupational attainment among males was significantly predicted by fathers’ occupational status. The data reported that male and female university degree type produced higher occupational attainment between male and female graduates. Further analysis would seek to understand graduate attitudes towards their occupational attainment along individualist, societal and structural dimensions.
Nasser, R. and Abouchedid, K. (2003), "Occupational attainment through Lebanon’s higher education: using individual, societal, structural and gender factors as predictors", Career Development International, Vol. 8 No. 7, pp. 328-338. https://doi.org/10.1108/13620430310505287
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