Development of 2.4 and 3.5 GHz 0.15 μ m GaAs PHEMT medium‐power amplifier employing core‐based design approach
The purpose of this paper is to discuss medium‐power amplifier (MPA) design using parasitic‐aware core‐based approach.
This paper discusses a core‐based design approach, which can also deliver multi‐band radio frequency integrated circuit.
A fabricated 3.5 GHz MPA achieved a P1dB of 16.81 dBm, power‐added efficiency (PAE) of 16.74 percent and gain of 6.81 dB at the 10 dBm of input power under a low‐power supply of 3 V. The maximum current, Imax is 80.7 mA and the power consumption of the device is 242.10 mW. A fabricated 2.4 GHz MPA achieved a P1dB of 14.83 dBm, PAE of 11.73 percent and gain of 9.83 dB at the 5.0 dBm of input power under a low‐power supply of 3.0 V. The maximum current, Imax is 84.4 mA and the power consumption for this device is 253.20 mW.
This paper shows the merits of the parasitic‐aware design methods used in designing the core circuit.
Rasmi, A., Marzuki, A., Nizam Osman, M., Ismat Abdul Rahim, A., Razman Yahya, M. and Fatah Awang Mat, A. (2010), "Development of 2.4 and 3.5 GHz 0.15
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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