N‐channel power MOSFET for fast neutron detection
Developments in neutron detection technology during the past three years are reviewed with special emphasis on application to safety, security, or industrial development.An investigation about the possibility of using N‐channel power MOSFET (metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor) as a high‐energy neutron sensitive detector is presented here. An empirical expression for neutron fluence detection is derived from the relation between neutron fluence and the evolution of the transistor current measured in the saturation region. This expression is valid for neutron fluence in the range 5×109–1×1014 n cm−2.
Salame, C., Mialhe, P., Charles, J.‐. and Khoury, A. (2002), "N‐channel power MOSFET for fast neutron detection", Microelectronics International, Vol. 19 No. 1, pp. 19-22. https://doi.org/10.1108/13565360210417745
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