Surface damage during ultrasonic consolidation of 3003‐H18 aluminum
The purpose of this paper is to examine the formation of surface damage associated with the ultrasonic consolidation (UC) of single ply 150 μm thick 3003‐H18 foil to a 3003‐18 build plate and the relationship between the development of this damage state with the linear weld density (LWD) achieved during consolidation.
The influence of the consolidation control variables on the area fraction of the sonotrode induced top foil surface damage is established through application of a full factorial three‐level design‐of‐experiment methodology, the control variables limits being fixed by the capability of the UC system.
Detailed analysis of the foil top surface structure after consolidation reveals the presence of two characteristic, damaged and undamaged, regions. The former corresponded to plastically deformed areas, these being formed as a result of interaction of the foil top surface with the sonotrode, while the latter corresponded to the original foil surface. Sonotrode normal load, vibrational amplitude and its rotational velocity are found to have an interdependent affect on the development of the sonotrode‐induced top surface damage. Top surface damage initiates upon impression of the sonotrode into the foil surface followed by the commencement of oscillatory and forward rotational motion of the sonotrode. Finally, evidence is presented that the degree of sonotrode induced top surface damage bears a direct relationship with the linear ultrasonic weld density developed at the foil‐build plate interface, increasing top surface damage being associated with increased LWD.
A linear relationship between the degree of bonding at the foil‐build plate interface and the plastically deformed area on the foil top surface is established, this correlation demonstrating that bond formation between foils during UC depends on effective frictional conditions at the sonotrode‐foil interface.
Kulakov, M. and Rack, H.J. (2010), "Surface damage during ultrasonic consolidation of 3003‐H18 aluminum", Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 16 No. 1, pp. 12-19.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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