Decision support for global marketing strategies: the effect of country of origin on product evaluation
Due to increasing global competition, the issue of country‐of‐origin has received a great deal of attention recently. Examines country‐of‐origin image stereotyping by businesspeople in the Gulf States of the Middle East. Assesses the attitude of businesspeople toward various products of seven countries: the USA, Japan, Germany, England, France, Italy and Taiwan, that are the most active in the Gulf States. To develop effective global marketing strategies, firms require decisionmaking support in the form of information about the perception of their products in the international markets. The study found that country‐of‐origin stereotyping is present in the Gulf States market. The study provided evidence that “Made in the USA, Japan, and Germany” clearly emerged as most favoured countries of origin. In addition, the image of English products trailed behind products from other European countries except Italy. Profile differences were analyzed statistically. Age, education, sex, and income level were variously related to consumers′ attitudes to products made in different countries.
Badri, M.A., Davis, D.L. and Davis, D.F. (1995), "Decision support for global marketing strategies: the effect of country of origin on product evaluation", Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol. 4 No. 5, pp. 49-64.
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