Hazlett, K. (2005), "Full Frontal PR: Building Buzz about Your Business, Your Product, or You", Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol. 14 No. 5, pp. 350-351.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2005, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Full Frontal PR is the most recent nuts‐and‐bolts “how‐to” guide to generating publicity. For the novice public relations practitioner, or the young CEO of that start‐up with five employees, Full Frontal PR offers useful guidelines and tips on how to effectively develop and carry out a successful media‐based publicity campaign.
While nothing new or earth shattering is revealed, author Richard Laermer effectively draws on real‐life client experiences to emphasize the many pointers that he lays out. The overriding message that comes through is Laermer's encouragement to the practitioner or CEO to think big: “… start off thinking big: what would it take to get your logo on the space shuttle?” (p. 14).
The author then proceeds, through handy checklists of steps to consider in developing publicity plans, to walk the reader through every step of the process of generating positive publicity, primarily through practical, creative media relations.
Full Frontal PR leads with an explanation of “buzz,” that extra public relations oomph that differentiates your product or service from that of your competitors. And getting the media's attention is a major hurdle that must be overcome: “… very often the difference between success and failure for a personality, business, or product stems from what we refer to as the buzz factor: whether or not you're on the radar screen of the curious press and the adoring public” (p. xii).
Media relations, says Laermer, is the key to creating and maintaining that buzz: “… to create buzz effectively, and keep it going, you also must know how to work with the media” (p. xiv).
Having set the stage for a discussion of the importance and value of media relations, Laermer then adds a cautionary word about the equal importance of “quality” in achieving and maintaining buzz. “There is no substitute for quality, even with all the exposure in the world. By far, the best way to generate more attention and word of mouth is to do what you do better than anyone else and to let your customers or fans spread the word” (p. 14).
The author next provides a solid explanation (valuable especially for the start‐up CEO, but also for the novice practitioner) of “the press,” in which term he includes print, broadcast and online media. From a brief snapshot of the harried journalist's workday to (most appropriate given the recent proliferation of examples to the contrary) the ethical standards by which the great majority of journalists conduct their professional duties, Laermer helps the reader understand that mysterious animal known as “the press.”
CEOs, in particular, says Laermer, need to understand how to communicate with their perceived “adversary,” the media. Not only what to say, but what not to say: “Make sure your CEO understands the needed boundaries when it comes to talking to the press … the best stories always have a challenge in them. CEOs don't ever like to say the company is struggling or performing less than phenomenally, so they fill interview time with windy messages ripped from the marketing materials … You [the public relations professional] need to tell reporters the facts … and you must create a CEO who can talk the straight poop” (pp. 88‐89).
From Rosie O'Donnell to to Jet Blue vs the Airline Industry and E*Trade vs Citicorp, the author cites example after example of individuals and companies that have effectively employed either publicity or media relations tactics to create awareness … to generate “buzz.”
When the moment of truth arrives, when you meet or otherwise communicate with your media counterpart, remember that you are in the driver's seat, says Laermer. You must: “… keep the power balance in perspective. Journalists are required to report news and information on one or two topics. But that doesn't mean that they are experts … you are the expert, and members of the media are not … Therefore, be confident in what you do, and let that translate into what you say to the press” (p. 129).
In particular, Laermer emphasizes the benefits of leveraging existing coverage and the necessity of taking action fast. Publicity is an action sport, so stay on your toes, stay alert, and keep the news moving: “The media is all about momentum, so you'd better keep it going, or it's sure to evaporate fast … Once you've gained some coverage in your local area, you're well on your way to creating buzz for your product. But now you have to take it to the next level. The way to get great coverage nationally is to take the exposure you receive in your local newspapers and sell it to the rest of the media nationwide” (pp. 169‐170).
New media, (the internet) according to the author, has brought about fundamental changes both in the way news is reported and in the way it is received: “The Times and USA Today are no longer the places to read it first; the internet is. Web news is as limber as it is fast … [Matt Drudge] and online journalists like him have expanded the boundaries of what is considered newsworthy, bringing new levels of humor, irony, and personal observation to the news. And in terms of PR and buzz, the web's flexible boundaries offer plenty of opportunities to pitch more information personally” (pp. 186‐187).
The author goes on to provide a handy checklist (useful for both the experienced internet user and the novice) of “electronic manners” (e‐tiquette). With gratitude from those of us who have been on the receiving end of e‐mails that are borderline useless or blatantly annoying, the tips range from the common sense (“keep your message short” … “read Strunk and White's The Elements of Style before you write another e‐mail”) to the career protecting or enhancing (“assume that whatever you write in an e‐mail could be printed” … “when you receive e‐mail from someone, pay attention to the style he uses … matching a person's style when you respond can be a very effective communication approach”) (pp. 190‐193).
Now that the reader has patiently pored over nine chapters crammed with tips, guidelines and checklists, Laermer closes out with his answer to the age‐old mystery of “why PR doesn't happen overnight.” As he very calmly states: “Despite the fact that news happens pretty much while you sleep, PR is surely not an overnight process (to say the least). In PR, as with so many facets of life, patience is a virtue … to really savor both little and big luxuries, you have to earn them … Great PR takes time, patience, and a lot of talent, time, and effort” (pp. 209‐210).
In closing, Laermer offers a succinct, deceptively low‐key rationale for the value of “full frontal PR”: “The awesome undertaking of a successful PR campaign is building brand and awareness on a grand scale. You're using the press to sway opinions” (pp. 210‐211).
Edward L. Bernays, the “father of public relations,” and countless thousands of public relations professionals who have come after him, would agree.