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Action learning, action research and process management (ALARPM): a personal history

Ortrun Zuber‐Skerritt (Ortrun Zuber‐Skerritt is Director of OZI (Ortrun Zuber International P/L), Adjunct Professor at Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia, and Professor of Professional and Organisational Development in the UK‐based International Management Centres Association (IMCA).)
Mary Farquhar (Mary Farquhar is Associate Professor in the School of International Business and Asian Studies at Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia.)

The Learning Organization

ISSN: 0969-6474

Article publication date: 1 August 2002



This paper is an edited version of an interview that presents information and insight into the background of ALARPM (action learning, action research and process management) not only as a field but also as a worldwide network association, thus facilitating understanding of the evolution and nature of these three concepts. The interviewee’s responses reflect her personal perspective, informed by both life experience and a theoretical framework that conceives of ALARPM first as a philosophy, a theory of learning and a methodology, and second as a method and technique.



Zuber‐Skerritt, O. and Farquhar, M. (2002), "Action learning, action research and process management (ALARPM): a personal history", The Learning Organization, Vol. 9 No. 3, pp. 102-113.




Copyright © 2002, MCB UP Limited

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