Promoting quality in higher education using human resource information systems
Quality, Deming reminds us, is made in the board‐room, or, in the educational context, in Senate or Council. The quality of the decisions made by the incumbents of these offices will be conditional on the information which is available and accessible to them. People and information will be the focus of advances in strategic management systems – in both educational and commercial/industrial circumstances. Accurate, germane and timely data are a prerequisite, though not a guarantee, of quality decisions. Describes a quality framework applicable to higher education, with specific reference to personnel and human resource management. Follows with an examination and consideration of the factors governing the acquisition, storage and retrieval of data pertinent to a human resource information system (HRIS). Concludes with the generation of a set of criteria which should be applied to the choice or development of such a system.
Hosie, P. (1995), "Promoting quality in higher education using human resource information systems", Quality Assurance in Education, Vol. 3 No. 1, pp. 30-35.
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