Quality Assurance in Western Europe: TRENDS, PRACTICES AND ISSUES
Provides a broad overview of quality assurance in Western Europe, highlighting some of the issues central to recent changes and future developments. Touches on issues such as: how should quality be defined and assessed? Who should assess it? How do the arrangements for providing an external check on teaching quality differ across Europe? In discussing the underlying policy driver – accountability – controversial issues such as the link between quality assessment and funding are touched on. Concludes that, while no pan‐European solution is practically possible, there is potential for co‐operation and the transfer of good practice.
Green, D. (1993), "Quality Assurance in Western Europe: TRENDS, PRACTICES AND ISSUES", Quality Assurance in Education, Vol. 1 No. 3, pp. 4-14. https://doi.org/10.1108/09684889310046149
Copyright © 1993, MCB UP Limited