The superwoman syndrome: a comparison of the “heroine” in Denmark and the UK
Reports that there has been a significant change in women’s attitudes to home and work in many Western countries and that in conjunction with this, many women are expanding their roles to encompass paid employment as well as their traditional domestic responsibilities. Reveals that the change is more advanced in Denmark than the UK but, nevertheless, change has occurred. However, indicates that there is little evidence that men are expanding their roles to encompass the domestic and child‐care responsibilities traditionally undertaken by women. Concludes that this is true even in Denmark where fathers have the potential to take paternity and parental leave, but rarely do. Maintains that women are thus left to occupy two roles, which to some extent are incompatible, unless the woman compromises by taking part‐time employment. Argues that, until the issue of the gendered domestic economy is confronted, real progress towards equal opportunities is inevitably going to be limited.
Newell, S. (1996), "The superwoman syndrome: a comparison of the “heroine” in Denmark and the UK", Women in Management Review, Vol. 11 No. 5, pp. 36-41.
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