Integrating marketing and manufacturing functions through focused manufacturing design
Suggests that focused manufacturing is a strategic orientation based on limiting the set of products, technologies, production volume range, and/or target markets for which a given plant is responsible. Provides a comprehensive discussion of the concept of manufacturing focus. Suggests the implementation of manufacturing focus as an approach to integrate marketing needs and manufacturing systems design. Proposes a five‐step procedure for implementing the concept of manufacturing focus, based on observations from a case study and related literature. Identifies critical issues in each implementation step and makes suggestions for dealing with these issues. Concludes that a model that provides such a systematic implementation procedure should enable managers to integrate marketing and manufacturing functions.
Sheu, C. and Laughlin, J.L. (1996), "Integrating marketing and manufacturing functions through focused manufacturing design", Integrated Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 7 No. 6, pp. 16-23.
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