Machining feature extraction for casting parts
An approach to extract machining features for casting parts is presented. It is capable of recognizing interacting machining features. There are five phases in the recognition process: Boolean difference of the final part model and the raw part; identification of machining faces (M‐faces) from the final part model and the raw part model; decomposition of the removed simple volumes into delta simple volumes based on M‐faces; gluing the delta simple volumes into sets of feasible simple volumes based on M‐faces; testing. This strategy is process‐oriented and feature‐independent. It recognizes all features that can be produced by common machining operations in a uniform way and produces alternative sets of machining features.
Wang, B.F., Zhang, Y.F. and Fuh, J.Y.H. (2003), "Machining feature extraction for casting parts", Integrated Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 14 No. 7, pp. 610-623.
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