Managing buyer‐supplier relationships and inter‐organisational competence development
The work presented in this article is part of an action research project carried out in collaboration between Bang & Olufsen (B&O) and the Center for Industrial Production (CIP) of Aalborg University. The aim of the project is to investigate how end‐manufacturers can source new technology via innovative NPD‐related supplier relationships. Whereas prior work on buyer‐supplier relationships is dominated by a product‐oriented view, the present research has adopted a resource‐based (competence) view to develop a framework to guide companies in developing and handling competence‐based relationships with technology suppliers. The framework suggests four different types of inter‐organisational competence development, two of which will be illustrated using empirical data obtained through two in‐depth case studies of innovative partnership projects between B&O and some of its sub‐suppliers.
Møller, M.M., Johansen, J. and Boer, H. (2003), "Managing buyer‐supplier relationships and inter‐organisational competence development", Integrated Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 14 No. 4, pp. 369-379.
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