Forces and incentives in the promotion of environmental protection and improved working conditions
Presents findings from an investigation of the adoption of different “abatement” technologies in 30 Danish firms, encompassing traditional iron manufacturers and electroplating firms. The abatement measures were all instigated to improve environmental or occupational safety and health conditions. Reasons and incentives for these measures were investigated. Finds that there are big differences between the different types of firms. Moreover public regulation is the most common incentive for adopting abatement technologies. Internal forces in the company ‐ attitudes of management and employees ‐ were also found to have an essential influence, while economic considerations play only a minor role.
Christensen, P. and Handberg, S. (1996), "Forces and incentives in the promotion of environmental protection and improved working conditions", Environmental Management and Health, Vol. 7 No. 3, pp. 4-11.
Copyright © 1996, MCB UP Limited