Domestic Waste Disposal in Southwest Nigeria
In a developing environment, much is being done to provide for safe storage, collection and sanitary disposal of household waste; yet the problem still persists. Examines the ways in which solid waste management is undertaken in Southwest Nigeria and outlines some of the problems encountered. These include the continuous expansion of sprawling areas, funding limitations, variation in eating and waste disposal habits and laxity in enforcing sanitation laws. These and other factors make solid waste management and environmental pollution control in the area extremely complex. Suggestions are made for the recognition of socioeconomic factors in refuse depots siting and management, modification of urban planning management and a well equipped and adequately staffed Waste Disposal Agency.
Sangodoyin, A.Y. (1993), "Domestic Waste Disposal in Southwest Nigeria", Environmental Management and Health, Vol. 4 No. 3, pp. 20-23.
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