A Medical Waste Management Strategy
Because medical waste may present potential hazards to employees, waste handlers and the general public, all facilities generating this form of waste should develop and implement a medical waste management strategy. This strategy should be prepared after conducting a survey to determine the types and estimated amounts of medical waste generated by the facility. The strategy should address medical waste handling, including segregation, packaging, in‐house transport and storage. The management plan must also prescribe appropriate treatment procedures for contaminated waste, and designate proper methods for final disposal of medical wastes and treatment residues. Finally, the facility must ensure the implementation and monitoring of this strategy.
Curtis, F.A. and Mak, K. (1991), "A Medical Waste Management Strategy", Environmental Management and Health, Vol. 2 No. 1, pp. 13-18. https://doi.org/10.1108/09566169110006965
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