Privatizing the courts ‐ a quality assurance problem
Reports that English courts are in disarray because of gross inefficiency and excessive costs. Proposes that, it would be easier to privatize the courts, which could be broken up into small, fully competitive units, than the already privatized capital‐intensive utilities. Illustrates how this could be done for the civil courts, resulting in major cost savings. The nationalized courts do not include any formal quality assurance system and publish no quality statistics to the public as do the education, health, water industries, etc. An effective, cost‐efficient quality assurance system would be essential for privatized courts. Details one way in which this could be achieved and the quality data it would produce.
Groocock, J. (1996), "Privatizing the courts ‐ a quality assurance problem", The TQM Magazine, Vol. 8 No. 6, pp. 6-10.
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