Fourteen Japanese quality tools in software process improvement
Notes that quality improvement and management practices involve using tools, which are formulated from industrial practices and quality engineering theory. Points out that the seven old Japanese tools are claimed to be able to solve up to 95 per cent of quality‐related problems and that the seven new Japanese tools are claimed to have started a new era for quality. However, comments that these tools have not been discussed systematically in the context of software sector. Proposes a software process improvement framework, which incorporates the SEI capability maturity model as a self‐assessment tool, and maps these 14 tools to the framework in order to help establish the total quality management culture in software quality practices.
He, Z., Staples, G., Ross, M. and Court, I. (1996), "Fourteen Japanese quality tools in software process improvement", The TQM Magazine, Vol. 8 No. 4, pp. 40-44.
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